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tween onCompleteCallback?


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Ok, so I'm using a tween to rotate an abject between the four cardinal directions on arrow key press,

and I'm using the on complete callback to set a boolean to allow rotating again once it's done.


The problem is whenever I try to use the onCompleteCallback function of a tween it gives me

TypeError: tween.onUpdateCallback is not a function @ http://localhost/phaserProject/:240

tween in this case being a tween I got with

var tween = game.add.tween(rod);

In a keyboard check in the update function.


Any other function of the tween works except the callback functions. (I tried onUpdateCallback, same story)

I resorted to using

 tween._onCompleteCallback = doneTurning;

which works, but I'd rather do it the right way :P

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Two options:

tween.onCompleteCallback(doSomething);function doSomething () {// ...}

This method passes in a reference to the function, but has no context so you'll probably find loses scope. I would however do this:

tween.onComplete.add(doSomething, this);function doSomething () {// ...}

Which uses the Signals system built into Phaser and will retain scope.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Two options:

tween.onCompleteCallback(doSomething);function doSomething () {// ...}

This method passes in a reference to the function, but has no context so you'll probably find loses scope. I would however do this:

tween.onComplete.add(doSomething, this);function doSomething () {// ...}

Which uses the Signals system built into Phaser and will retain scope.

I want to use chained tweens, but the onComplete is only call after the first tween complete.
var tween = this.game.add.tween(spriteReady).to({ x: centerX }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).to({ x:centerX }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).to({ x: this.game.world.width+spriteReady.width/2 }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None).start();tween.onComplete.add(this.theEnd, this)

I want onComplete to call after all the tweens are complete, is there any way to do this?

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  • 1 year later...



Is there a way to pass arguments in to function that is called as tween onComplete callback?



var t = this.add.tween(this.car).to({ x: this.carPosXEnd }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out, true);t.onComplete.add(this.addQuestion, this);
but addQuestion needs parameters:
addQuestion: function (_questionText) {    this.question = this.add.text(this.questionPosX, this.questionPosY, _questionText, this.questionStyle);    this.trafficLight.addChild(this.question);  }

Is there a way to add them as part of onComplete callback?

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OK. Never mind. Found an answer. Anonymous function ftw!

For anyone interested it is like this:

var t = this.add.tween(this.car).to({ x: this.carPosXEnd }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out, true);t.onComplete.add(function () {    this.addQuestion(this.questionText);   }, this);

Have a nice day.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 8 months later...
On 11/1/2014 at 11:45 AM, lukaMis said:

OK. Never mind. Found an answer. Anonymous function ftw!

For anyone interested it is like this:

var t = this.add.tween(this.car).to({ x: this.carPosXEnd }, 1000, Phaser.Easing.Quadratic.Out, true);t.onComplete.add(function () {    this.addQuestion(this.questionText);   }, this);

Have a nice day.

You can use the last parameter to pass aditional parameters to the function, this way you dont need to use anonymous functions :)


t.onComplete.add(this.addQuestion, this, 0, this.questionText);
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