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Updating Graphics extremely slow


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Am I doing something wrong?  I am trying to draw "pixels" onto a small graphics object every frame.  Even with a very small number of pixels (169), it is slowing down to a crawl after a few seconds and leaking memory like crazy.  Here is a JSFiddle


Here is the code:

function init(){    var width = 100;    var height = 100;    var canvas = document.getElementById("view");    var stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x000000);    var renderer = new PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(width, height, canvas, null, true);        var colors = [0x00FFFF, 0xFF0000, 0x00FF00, 0x0000FF];    var colorIndex = 0;        var graphics = new PIXI.Graphics();        stage.addChild(graphics);    renderer.render(stage);        var PIXEL_SIZE = 8;        function update()    {        for (var y=0; y<height/PIXEL_SIZE; y++) {            for (var x=0; x<width/PIXEL_SIZE; x++) {                colorIndex += 1;                if (colorIndex >= colors.length) colorIndex = 0;                graphics.beginFill(colors[colorIndex]);                graphics.drawRect(x*PIXEL_SIZE, y*PIXEL_SIZE, PIXEL_SIZE, PIXEL_SIZE);            }        }                renderer.render(stage);        stats.end();        requestAnimationFrame(update);    }        requestAnimationFrame(update);}
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I see my problem, but it raises a new one.  I was not calling graphics.clear() at the beginning of update() so it is leaking all of the graphics data on every render.


So now my problem is, how to redraw Graphics without generating a new GraphicsData array since my geometry never changes?

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I sort of hacked it by doing the following:


I draw the graphic like you see in the original update() function and then I just update the graphicsData array on every frame.

function update() {	for (var y=0; y<height/PIXEL_SIZE; y++) {		for (var x=0; x<width/PIXEL_SIZE; x++) {			colorIndex += 1;			if (colorIndex >= colors.length) colorIndex = 0;			graphics.graphicsData[x + y*width/PIXEL_SIZE].fillColor = colors[colorIndex];			graphics.dirty = true;			graphics.clearDirty = true;		}	}		renderer.render(stage);	requestAnimationFrame(update);}

Those two dirty flags were what was tripping me up.  They are necessary or the graphic will not re-render.


Now it is much faster, but not the magic bullet I was hoping for.  I still can't get better than about 20 fps when rendering about 55000 rectangles.  I think I have much more to learn about WebGL to get this optimized.  Or is this the best I could realistically hope for?

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If you are doing pixel manipulation, and you want to use webgl, then just write a shader for it.


Now it is much faster, but not the magic bullet I was hoping for. I still can't get better than about 20 fps when rendering about 55000 rectangles. I think I have much more to learn about WebGL to get this optimized. Or is this the best I could realistically hope for?

I'd say 55k different geometries all dynamically updating on the CPU each frame, drawing at 20fps, in a browser, is pretty baller. If you are drawing pixels with graphics that just seems wrong. Pixel manipulation should be done in a fragment shader.

If you can't use a shader and only webgl, then you can generate a texture for each array of colors you have and then just swap between them. Even better would be to draw each of those textures to a single canvas object, use the canvas in a base texture, then define textures with frames for each of the color arrays (all sharing that base texture), then just swap textures each frame (or whenever). I don't think drawing graphics and live updating it is the best way to do this.

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just write a shader for it.


define textures with frames for each of the color arrays (all sharing that base texture)


Nice suggestions, I will have to learn how to do these things first and then compare them.


If any are interested, here is a jsFiddle  with the solution I described above.  It starts to drop below 60fps once you get up to about 10,000 rectangles.

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If you can't use a shader and only webgl, then you can generate a texture for each array of colors you have and then just swap between them. Even better would be to draw each of those textures to a single canvas object, use the canvas in a base texture, then define textures with frames for each of the color arrays (all sharing that base texture), then just swap textures each frame (or whenever). I don't think drawing graphics and live updating it is the best way to do this.


I tried the first part of this approach and it was much slower.  Here is a jsFiddle.  Maybe I am doing it wrong?   I really don't know how to ensure everything is done in the GPU.  I am a total newbie to WebGL.

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You might also want to investigate TIlingSprite since it seems like you generate so many because you are tiling it. TilingSprite supports texture atlases as well so your code would be basically the same but instead of many sprites you would just use one TilingSprite.

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You might also want to investigate TIlingSprite since it seems like you generate so many because you are tiling it. TilingSprite supports texture atlases as well so your code would be basically the same but instead of many sprites you would just use one TilingSprite.


I need to change textures on individual tiles, though.  It is my understanding that TilingSprite does not allow this.

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