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Force portrait orientation


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Hi all, I've just started using Phaser and think it is a great framework!


I'm in the process of developing a game with it now, and can't seem to be able to force users into the Portrait orientation (or any orientation). A search on the forums led my to this line of code:


game.stage.enableOrientationCheck(false, true, 'orientation');


but when I added this in my function create(), I get the following error:


Uncaught TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'enableOrientationCheck'


Not sure what am I doing wrong, would greatly appreciate if anyone could help out! Thanks!

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It changed, you'll find a similar method here now: game.stage.scale.checkOrientation();  which is in src/system/StageScaleMode.js.


Though I still had issues figuring out how to make this work, maybe you'll have better luck.  

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