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trying to delegate events to div overlaying pixi canvas


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Hi guys,


Unsure what the correct procedure is to delegate mouse events to a different DOM element.


Currently I am attempting by doing the following:

var dom = document.querySelector('.overlay');

I am applying an eventlistener on a container (RenderStack extends the PIXI.Container)


var stage = new PIXI.Container();
var stack = new RenderStack();


stack.on('mousedown', function(e){
//var offset = e.data.getLocalPosition(e.target);


Inspecting the code in the console i have noticed that:


InteractionManager.prototype.onMouseDown is called on mousedown when div.overlay is clicked on, but the 

InteractionData object stored in InteractionManager's .mouse property has x and y values set to NaN .  From what I can see InteractionData is stored in the .mouse property on instantiation of InteractionManager and haven't found where it is updated.


As a result 

hit = displayObject.containsPoint(point)

 in InteractionManager.prototype.processInteractive never returns true and the eventlistener is never triggered (console never logs 'mousedown')


Hope this all makes sense.  I'm less inclined to think this is a bug than an incorrect usage of setTargetElement by me( which is actually labelled as private in the framework...)


Any insight on how I can get this to work?  I need to overlay dom elements over the pixi canvas so really need a way to delegate interaction events.


Thanks for any feedback



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I may be way off but this is where the issue might be occuring:


from InteractionData.js

    /**     * This point stores the global coords of where the touch/mouse event happened     *     * @member {Point}     */    this.global = new core.Point();

I'm confused as to what the difference between core.Point() and math.Point() are.. also haven't found any place in the code where the x and y properties of the Point are populated with position values ( for ex from .clientX / .clientY )

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I may be way off but this is where the issue might be occuring:


from InteractionData.js

    /**     * This point stores the global coords of where the touch/mouse event happened     *     * @member {Point}     */    this.global = new core.Point();

I'm confused as to what the difference between core.Point() and math.Point() are.. also haven't found any place in the code where the x and y properties of the Point are populated with position values ( for ex from .clientX / .clientY )


There is no difference. InteractionData is in a plugin so it requires the core lib and access the point object. `math.Point` is used within the core lib since it just requires the math lib.

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Aha !  thanks for that,


I was digging around looking for a different Point class somewhere.  Still trying to wrap my head around the node 'require' system :[ .  


Any idea when /where InteractionData.global  is populated with event.clientX/Y -type values ?


I can't figure that out.  For some reason when InteractionManager.interactionDOMElement is changed using InteractionManager.setTargetElement() and the Events are removed/readded , InteractionManager.mouse.global Point values become NaN,  causing all kinds of mischief.

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omg  I don't know how I missed that...  

That's so obvious.  Well it's domElement.width  property that was causing the problem .. 

solved it by adding the following to index.html

var dom = document.querySelector('.overlay');dom.width = dom.offsetWidth;dom.height = dom.offsetHeight; 

Thank you for your help!

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