Arn Posted July 26, 2015 Share Posted July 26, 2015 Hello everybody, I am trying to learn phase, but I am so slow , my brain is already burned haha. well, I am trying to make this tutorial since yesterday : I search hours to solve my problem. I do not have any collision . Did someone make this tuto ? Here is my code . Sometimes I get the error when I force to create the layer in the jsCanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement Here is my Codevar game = new Phaser.Game(500, 500, Phaser.CANVAS, 'main')stateTestmap = {preload: preload,create: create, update: update};game.state.add('stateTestmap', stateTestmap);game.state.start('stateTestmap');function preload() { game.load.tilemap('Map1', 'asset/map1', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON); game.load.image('TilesetBG', 'asset/TilesetBG.png'); game.load.image('TilesetTree', 'asset/TilesetTree.png'); game.load.image('player', 'asset/player.png');}function create() { map = game.add.tilemap('Map1'); map.addTilesetImage('TilesetRiver', 'TilesetBG'); map.addTilesetImage('TilesTree', 'TilesetTree'); background = map.createLayer('Tile Layer 1'); backgroundOL = map.createLayer('BackgroundOverlay'); player = game.add.sprite(100,100, 'player'); foreground = map.createLayer('Foreground'); background.resizeWorld(); //Physics game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.P2JS); //First we choose which tiles will collide map.setCollision(42, true,'Collision'); //Then the physics engine creates collision bodies from the tiles: game.physics.p2.convertTilemap(map,'Collision'); game.physics.p2.enable(player); player.body.fixedRotation = true; // no rotation //Remove default collision box player.body.clearShapes(); //Only the lower part of the player collides player.body.addRectangle(100, 100, 0, 25); //Controls cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); player.body.debug = true;}function update() { var speed=300; if (cursors.left.isDown){ player.body.velocity.x = -speed; } else if (cursors.right.isDown){ player.body.velocity.x = speed; } else { player.body.velocity.x = 0; } if (cursors.up.isDown){ player.body.velocity.y = -speed; } else if (cursors.down.isDown){ player.body.velocity.y = speed; } else { player.body.velocity.y = 0; } }I do not know what to do. I read the other posts about it without any success. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Langerz82 Posted July 27, 2015 Share Posted July 27, 2015 Hello, At the bottom the tutorial says: A nasty errorIf your game does not work and the following error appears on the console (e.g. Firebug):"TypeError: Argument 1 of CanvasRenderingContext2D.drawImage could not be converted to any of: HTMLImageElement, HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLVideoElement."it could mean that one tile from the 3rd tileset image (used for collision) was accidentally placed on a visible layer. As we didn't load this image in the Phaser preload function, of course Phaser cannot display it. Tiles can be accidentally placed on the wrong layer easily in Tiled, because Tiled allows to paint on invisible layers. Further more accidentally painting an invisible tile from an image we didn't load in Phaser can easily lead to this error. Inspecting the tilemap JSON file can help to debug if you run into this issue. Source: Not sure if you checked this out or not but figured its worth a mention. hoskope 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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