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Panning and support for click event on line in Babylon.js


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Is panning in Babylon js possible now? I had seen a question on this topic that was posted in Jan. Since then I could not find anything that suggests that panning is supported. I had used threejs before where we could do panning by doing right click.


Also I wanted to check if I can trap click event on a line. I tried "registerAction" with "BABYLON.ActionManager.OnPickTrigger" but that did not work for line.

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Hello dbs2000 !


You'll find a code snippet.

I took the BABYLON.ArcRotateCamera class and added panning.

Important lines are in lines 158-183, and lines 123-125 :

module BABYLON {    var eventPrefix = Tools.GetPointerPrefix();    export class PanningCamera extends TargetCamera {        public inertialAlphaOffset = 0;        public inertialBetaOffset = 0;        public inertialRadiusOffset = 0;        public lowerAlphaLimit = null;        public upperAlphaLimit = null;        public lowerBetaLimit = 0.01;        public upperBetaLimit = Math.PI;        public lowerRadiusLimit = null;        public upperRadiusLimit = null;        public angularSensibility = 1000.0;        public wheelPrecision = 3.0;        public pinchPrecision = 2.0;        public keysUp = [38];        public keysDown = [40];        public keysLeft = [37];        public keysRight = [39];        public zoomOnFactor = 1;        public targetScreenOffset = Vector2.Zero();        public pinchInwards = true;        public allowUpsideDown = true;        private _keys = [];        public _viewMatrix = new Matrix();        private _attachedElement: HTMLElement;        private _localDirection: Vector3;        private _transformedDirection: Vector3;        private _isRightClick: boolean = false;        private _lastPanningPosition: Vector2 = new Vector2(0, 0);        private _onContextMenu: (e: PointerEvent) => void;        private _onPointerDown: (e: PointerEvent) => void;        private _onPointerUp: (e: PointerEvent) => void;        private _onPointerMove: (e: PointerEvent) => void;        private _wheel: (e: MouseWheelEvent) => void;        private _onMouseMove: (e: MouseEvent) => any;        private _onKeyDown: (e: KeyboardEvent) => any;        private _onKeyUp: (e: KeyboardEvent) => any;        private _onLostFocus: (e: FocusEvent) => any;        public _reset: () => void;        // Collisions        public onCollide: (collidedMesh: AbstractMesh) => void;        public checkCollisions = false;        public collisionRadius = new Vector3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);        private _collider = new Collider();        private _previousPosition = Vector3.Zero();        private _collisionVelocity = Vector3.Zero();        private _newPosition = Vector3.Zero();        private _previousAlpha: number;        private _previousBeta: number;        private _previousRadius: number;        //due to async collision inspection        private _collisionTriggered: boolean;        constructor(name: string, public alpha: number, public beta: number, public radius: number, public target: any, scene: Scene) {            super(name, Vector3.Zero(), scene);            if (!this.target) {                this.target = Vector3.Zero();            }            this.getViewMatrix();        }        public _getTargetPosition(): Vector3 {            return this.target.position || this.target;        }        // Cache        public _initCache(): void {            super._initCache();            this._cache.target = new Vector3(Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE);            this._cache.alpha = undefined;            this._cache.beta = undefined;            this._cache.radius = undefined;            this._cache.targetScreenOffset = undefined;        }        public _updateCache(ignoreParentClass?: boolean): void {            if (!ignoreParentClass) {                super._updateCache();            }            this._cache.target.copyFrom(this._getTargetPosition());            this._cache.alpha = this.alpha;            this._cache.beta = this.beta;            this._cache.radius = this.radius;            this._cache.targetScreenOffset = this.targetScreenOffset.clone();        }        // Synchronized        public _isSynchronizedViewMatrix(): boolean {            if (!super._isSynchronizedViewMatrix())                return false;            return this._cache.target.equals(this._getTargetPosition())                && this._cache.alpha === this.alpha                && this._cache.beta === this.beta                && this._cache.radius === this.radius                && this._cache.targetScreenOffset.equals(this.targetScreenOffset);        }        // Methods        public attachControl(element: HTMLElement, noPreventDefault?: boolean): void {            var cacheSoloPointer; // cache pointer object for better perf on camera rotation            var previousPinchDistance = 0;            var pointers = new SmartCollection();            if (this._attachedElement) {                return;            }            this._attachedElement = element;            var engine = this.getEngine();            if (this._onPointerDown === undefined) {                this._onPointerDown = evt => {                    this._isRightClick = evt.button === 2 ? true : false;                    this._lastPanningPosition.x = evt.clientX;                    this._lastPanningPosition.y = evt.clientY;                    pointers.add(evt.pointerId, { x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY, type: evt.pointerType });                    cacheSoloPointer = pointers.item(evt.pointerId);                    if (!noPreventDefault) {                        evt.preventDefault();                    }                };                this._onPointerUp = evt => {                    this._lastPanningPosition = Vector2.Zero();                    cacheSoloPointer = null;                    previousPinchDistance = 0;                                        //would be better to use pointers.remove(evt.pointerId) for multitouch gestures,                     //but emptying completly pointers collection is required to fix a bug on iPhone :                     //when changing orientation while pinching camera, one pointer stay pressed forever if we don't release all pointers                      //will be ok to put back pointers.remove(evt.pointerId); when iPhone bug corrected                    pointers.empty();                    if (!noPreventDefault) {                        evt.preventDefault();                    }                };                this._onPointerMove = evt => {                    if (!noPreventDefault) {                        evt.preventDefault();                    }                    switch (pointers.count) {                        case 1: { //normal camera rotation                            if (this._isRightClick) {                                if (!this._localDirection) {                                    this._localDirection = Vector3.Zero();                                    this._transformedDirection = Vector3.Zero();                                }                                var diffx = (evt.clientX - this._lastPanningPosition.x) * 0.1;                                var diffy = (evt.clientY - this._lastPanningPosition.y) * 0.1;                                this._localDirection.copyFromFloats(-diffx, diffy, 0);                                this._viewMatrix.invertToRef(this._cameraTransformMatrix);                                Vector3.TransformNormalToRef(this._localDirection, this._cameraTransformMatrix, this._transformedDirection);                                this.target.addInPlace(this._transformedDirection);                                this._lastPanningPosition.x = evt.clientX;                                this._lastPanningPosition.y = evt.clientY;                            }                            else {                                var offsetX = evt.clientX - cacheSoloPointer.x;                                var offsetY = evt.clientY - cacheSoloPointer.y;                                this.inertialAlphaOffset -= offsetX / this.angularSensibility;                                this.inertialBetaOffset -= offsetY / this.angularSensibility;                                cacheSoloPointer.x = evt.clientX;                                cacheSoloPointer.y = evt.clientY;                            }                        }                            break;                        default:                            if (pointers.item(evt.pointerId)) {                                pointers.item(evt.pointerId).x = evt.clientX;                                pointers.item(evt.pointerId).y = evt.clientY;                            }                    }                };                this._onContextMenu = evt => {                    evt.preventDefault();                };                this._onMouseMove = evt => {                    if (!engine.isPointerLock) {                        return;                    }                    var offsetX = evt.movementX || evt.mozMovementX || evt.webkitMovementX || evt.msMovementX || 0;                    var offsetY = evt.movementY || evt.mozMovementY || evt.webkitMovementY || evt.msMovementY || 0;                    this.inertialAlphaOffset -= offsetX / this.angularSensibility;                    this.inertialBetaOffset -= offsetY / this.angularSensibility;                    if (!noPreventDefault) {                        evt.preventDefault();                    }                };                this._wheel = event => {                    var delta = 0;                    if (event.wheelDelta) {                        delta = event.wheelDelta / (this.wheelPrecision * 40);                    } else if (event.detail) {                        delta = -event.detail / this.wheelPrecision;                    }                    if (delta)                        this.inertialRadiusOffset += delta;                    if (event.preventDefault) {                        if (!noPreventDefault) {                            event.preventDefault();                        }                    }                };                this._onKeyDown = evt => {                    if (this.keysUp.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1 ||                        this.keysDown.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1 ||                        this.keysLeft.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1 ||                        this.keysRight.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1) {                        var index = this._keys.indexOf(evt.keyCode);                        if (index === -1) {                            this._keys.push(evt.keyCode);                        }                        if (evt.preventDefault) {                            if (!noPreventDefault) {                                evt.preventDefault();                            }                        }                    }                };                this._onKeyUp = evt => {                    if (this.keysUp.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1 ||                        this.keysDown.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1 ||                        this.keysLeft.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1 ||                        this.keysRight.indexOf(evt.keyCode) !== -1) {                        var index = this._keys.indexOf(evt.keyCode);                        if (index >= 0) {                            this._keys.splice(index, 1);                        }                        if (evt.preventDefault) {                            if (!noPreventDefault) {                                evt.preventDefault();                            }                        }                    }                };                this._onLostFocus = () => {                    this._keys = [];                    pointers.empty();                    previousPinchDistance = 0;                    cacheSoloPointer = null;                };                this._reset = () => {                    this._keys = [];                    this.inertialAlphaOffset = 0;                    this.inertialBetaOffset = 0;                    this.inertialRadiusOffset = 0;                    pointers.empty();                    previousPinchDistance = 0;                    cacheSoloPointer = null;                };            }            element.addEventListener("contextmenu", this._onContextMenu, false);            element.addEventListener(eventPrefix + "down", this._onPointerDown, false);            element.addEventListener(eventPrefix + "up", this._onPointerUp, false);            element.addEventListener(eventPrefix + "out", this._onPointerUp, false);            element.addEventListener(eventPrefix + "move", this._onPointerMove, false);            element.addEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove, false);            element.addEventListener('mousewheel', this._wheel, false);            element.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this._wheel, false);            Tools.RegisterTopRootEvents([                { name: "keydown", handler: this._onKeyDown },                { name: "keyup", handler: this._onKeyUp },                { name: "blur", handler: this._onLostFocus }            ]);        }        public detachControl(element: HTMLElement): void {            if (this._attachedElement !== element) {                return;            }            element.removeEventListener("contextmenu", this._onContextMenu);            element.removeEventListener(eventPrefix + "down", this._onPointerDown);            element.removeEventListener(eventPrefix + "up", this._onPointerUp);            element.removeEventListener(eventPrefix + "out", this._onPointerUp);            element.removeEventListener(eventPrefix + "move", this._onPointerMove);            element.removeEventListener("mousemove", this._onMouseMove);            element.removeEventListener('mousewheel', this._wheel);            element.removeEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', this._wheel);            Tools.UnregisterTopRootEvents([                { name: "keydown", handler: this._onKeyDown },                { name: "keyup", handler: this._onKeyUp },                { name: "blur", handler: this._onLostFocus }            ]);            this._attachedElement = null;            if (this._reset) {                this._reset();            }        }        public _checkInputs(): void {            //if (async) collision inspection was triggered, don't update the camera's position - until the collision callback was called.            if (this._collisionTriggered) {                return;            }            // Keyboard            for (var index = 0; index < this._keys.length; index++) {                var keyCode = this._keys[index];                if (this.keysLeft.indexOf(keyCode) !== -1) {                    this.inertialAlphaOffset -= 0.01;                } else if (this.keysUp.indexOf(keyCode) !== -1) {                    this.inertialBetaOffset -= 0.01;                } else if (this.keysRight.indexOf(keyCode) !== -1) {                    this.inertialAlphaOffset += 0.01;                } else if (this.keysDown.indexOf(keyCode) !== -1) {                    this.inertialBetaOffset += 0.01;                }            }				            // Inertia            if (this.inertialAlphaOffset !== 0 || this.inertialBetaOffset !== 0 || this.inertialRadiusOffset != 0) {                this.alpha += this.beta <= 0 ? -this.inertialAlphaOffset : this.inertialAlphaOffset;                this.beta += this.inertialBetaOffset;                this.radius -= this.inertialRadiusOffset;                this.inertialAlphaOffset *= this.inertia;                this.inertialBetaOffset *= this.inertia;                this.inertialRadiusOffset *= this.inertia;                if (Math.abs(this.inertialAlphaOffset) < Engine.Epsilon)                    this.inertialAlphaOffset = 0;                if (Math.abs(this.inertialBetaOffset) < Engine.Epsilon)                    this.inertialBetaOffset = 0;                if (Math.abs(this.inertialRadiusOffset) < Engine.Epsilon)                    this.inertialRadiusOffset = 0;            }            // Limits            this._checkLimits();            super._checkInputs();        }        private _checkLimits() {            if (this.lowerBetaLimit === null || this.lowerBetaLimit === undefined) {                if (this.allowUpsideDown && this.beta > Math.PI) {                    this.beta = this.beta - (2 * Math.PI);                }            } else {                if (this.beta < this.lowerBetaLimit) {                    this.beta = this.lowerBetaLimit;                }            }            if (this.upperBetaLimit === null || this.upperBetaLimit === undefined) {                if (this.allowUpsideDown && this.beta < -Math.PI) {                    this.beta = this.beta + (2 * Math.PI);                }            } else {                if (this.beta > this.upperBetaLimit) {                    this.beta = this.upperBetaLimit;                }            }            if (this.lowerAlphaLimit && this.alpha < this.lowerAlphaLimit) {                this.alpha = this.lowerAlphaLimit;            }            if (this.upperAlphaLimit && this.alpha > this.upperAlphaLimit) {                this.alpha = this.upperAlphaLimit;            }            if (this.lowerRadiusLimit && this.radius < this.lowerRadiusLimit) {                this.radius = this.lowerRadiusLimit;            }            if (this.upperRadiusLimit && this.radius > this.upperRadiusLimit) {                this.radius = this.upperRadiusLimit;            }        }        public setPosition(position: Vector3): void {            var radiusv3 = position.subtract(this._getTargetPosition());            this.radius = radiusv3.length();            // Alpha            this.alpha = Math.acos(radiusv3.x / Math.sqrt(Math.pow(radiusv3.x, 2) + Math.pow(radiusv3.z, 2)));            if (radiusv3.z < 0) {                this.alpha = 2 * Math.PI - this.alpha;            }            // Beta            this.beta = Math.acos(radiusv3.y / this.radius);            this._checkLimits();        }        public _getViewMatrix(): Matrix {            // Compute            var cosa = Math.cos(this.alpha);            var sina = Math.sin(this.alpha);            var cosb = Math.cos(this.beta);            var sinb = Math.sin(this.beta);            var target = this._getTargetPosition();            target.addToRef(new Vector3(this.radius * cosa * sinb, this.radius * cosb, this.radius * sina * sinb), this._newPosition);            if (this.getScene().collisionsEnabled && this.checkCollisions) {                this._collider.radius = this.collisionRadius;                this._newPosition.subtractToRef(this.position, this._collisionVelocity);                this._collisionTriggered = true;                this.getScene().collisionCoordinator.getNewPosition(this.position, this._collisionVelocity, this._collider, 3, null, this._onCollisionPositionChange, this.uniqueId);            } else {                this.position.copyFrom(this._newPosition);                var up = this.upVector;                if (this.allowUpsideDown && this.beta < 0) {                    var up = up.clone();                    up = up.negate();                }                Matrix.LookAtLHToRef(this.position, target, up, this._viewMatrix);                this._viewMatrix.m[12] += this.targetScreenOffset.x;                this._viewMatrix.m[13] += this.targetScreenOffset.y;            }            return this._viewMatrix;        }        private _onCollisionPositionChange = (collisionId: number, newPosition: Vector3, collidedMesh: AbstractMesh = null) => {            if (this.getScene().workerCollisions && this.checkCollisions) {                newPosition.multiplyInPlace(this._collider.radius);            }            if (!collidedMesh) {                this._previousPosition.copyFrom(this.position);            } else {                this.setPosition(this.position);                if (this.onCollide) {                    this.onCollide(collidedMesh);                }            }            // Recompute because of constraints            var cosa = Math.cos(this.alpha);            var sina = Math.sin(this.alpha);            var cosb = Math.cos(this.beta);            var sinb = Math.sin(this.beta);            var target = this._getTargetPosition();            target.addToRef(new Vector3(this.radius * cosa * sinb, this.radius * cosb, this.radius * sina * sinb), this._newPosition);            this.position.copyFrom(this._newPosition);            var up = this.upVector;            if (this.allowUpsideDown && this.beta < 0) {                var up = up.clone();                up = up.negate();            }            Matrix.LookAtLHToRef(this.position, target, up, this._viewMatrix);            this._viewMatrix.m[12] += this.targetScreenOffset.x;            this._viewMatrix.m[13] += this.targetScreenOffset.y;            this._collisionTriggered = false;        }        public zoomOn(meshes?: AbstractMesh[]): void {            meshes = meshes || this.getScene().meshes;            var minMaxVector = Mesh.MinMax(meshes);            var distance = Vector3.Distance(minMaxVector.min, minMaxVector.max);            this.radius = distance * this.zoomOnFactor;            this.focusOn({ min: minMaxVector.min, max: minMaxVector.max, distance: distance });        }        public focusOn(meshesOrMinMaxVectorAndDistance): void {            var meshesOrMinMaxVector;            var distance;            if (meshesOrMinMaxVectorAndDistance.min === undefined) { // meshes                meshesOrMinMaxVector = meshesOrMinMaxVectorAndDistance || this.getScene().meshes;                meshesOrMinMaxVector = Mesh.MinMax(meshesOrMinMaxVector);                distance = Vector3.Distance(meshesOrMinMaxVector.min, meshesOrMinMaxVector.max);            }            else { //minMaxVector and distance                meshesOrMinMaxVector = meshesOrMinMaxVectorAndDistance;                distance = meshesOrMinMaxVectorAndDistance.distance;            }            this.target = Mesh.Center(meshesOrMinMaxVector);            this.maxZ = distance * 2;        }                /**         * @override         * Override Camera.createRigCamera         */        public createRigCamera(name: string, cameraIndex: number): Camera {            switch (this.cameraRigMode) {                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_VR:                    var alphaShift = this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle * (cameraIndex === 0 ? 1 : -1);                    return new ArcRotateCamera(name, this.alpha + alphaShift, this.beta, this.radius, this.target, this.getScene());            }        }                /**         * @override         * Override Camera._updateRigCameras         */        public _updateRigCameras() {            switch (this.cameraRigMode) {                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_ANAGLYPH:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_PARALLEL:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_SIDEBYSIDE_CROSSEYED:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_STEREOSCOPIC_OVERUNDER:                case Camera.RIG_MODE_VR:                    var camLeft = <ArcRotateCamera> this._rigCameras[0];                    var camRight = <ArcRotateCamera> this._rigCameras[1];                    camLeft.alpha = this.alpha - this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle;                    camRight.alpha = this.alpha + this._cameraRigParams.stereoHalfAngle;                    camLeft.beta = camRight.beta = this.beta;                    camLeft.radius = camRight.radius = this.radius;                    break;            }            super._updateRigCameras();        }    }} 
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this is pretty good. I have been looking for this.

What I think: It looks a bit hard compared to the rest.

Rotating and zooming is such smooth. And then you pan, it looks like

a 3D program out of the 90's. Would it a be a heavy thing to do it as smooth as zooming and rotating?





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Looks really good.


I have thought, whether it would be possible to make a setting, that let the sensibilities be relative to the distance of the camera?

I mean this for zooming and panning.

So it grows proportional. You know what I mean?

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  • 10 months later...

is there a way to enable the panning mode on mobile?

i used to be able to do it programmatically by always setting 'camera._isCtrlPushed  = true;' but that doesn't seem to do anything since yesterdays preview/playground update, And simulating the ctrl keydown event through js only works for desktop.

Even though it is a bit crude to achieve panning-by-default by constantly overwriting this variable, it was effective, because you could stop writing to it when needed to enable rotation again for mobile users.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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