ZacharyJordan Posted May 31, 2015 Share Posted May 31, 2015 Here is my code var game = new Phaser.Game(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, Phaser.CANVAS, 'game_area', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update}); var scaleRatio = window.devicePixelRatio / 5;var player, enemy, floor;var music;var game_state;var gravity_strength;var net_force;var style;var text, text2, text3, text4;var title_played;var level_data;var ready_to_select; function preload() { game.load.image('player', 'SpaceShipLarge.png');game.load.image("enemy", "red.png");game.load.image("floor", "green.jpg");"music", "firstbike.mp3");} function create() {game.stage.backgroundColor = "#000000";game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); style = { font: "65px Optima", fill: "white", align: "center"}; this.ROTATION_SPEED = 180; // degrees/second this.ACCELERATION = 200; // pixels/second/second this.MAX_SPEED = 250; // pixels/second this.DRAG = 25; // pixels/second this.GRAVITY = 90; // pixels/second/second player = game.add.sprite(game.width / 2, (game.height / 2) - 150, "player");player.scale.setTo(scaleRatio, scaleRatio); player.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);player.angle = -90; game.physics.arcade.enable(player); player.body.maxVelocity.setTo(this.MAX_SPEED, this.MAX_SPEED);player.body.drag.setTo(this.DRAG, this.DRAG); player.body.bounce.setTo(0.25, 0.25);player.body = null;player.visible = false;ready_to_select = false; floor = game.add.sprite(0, - 100, "floor");floor.scale.setTo(scaleRatio, scaleRatio);floor.width =;floor.y = + 500; game.physics.arcade.enable(floor); floor.body.immovable = true;floor.body.allowGravity = false; game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = this.GRAVITY; music ="music");music.loop = true;//; title_played = false; level_data = 1;game_state = "title_screen";ready_to_select = true;//game_state = "play_state";} function handle_input() {if(game_state == "play_state"){ if(game.input.activePointer.justPressed()){net_force = net_force - 20;}}} function generate_enemy(){ } function start(){ } function leftInputIsActive(){var isActive = false; isActive |= (game.input.activePointer.isDown && game.input.activePointer.x < game.width/4); return isActive;} function rightInputIsActive(){var isActive = false; isActive |= (game.input.activePointer.isDown && game.input.activePointer.x > game.width/2 + game.width/4); return isActive;} function upInputIsActive(){var isActive = false; isActive |= (game.input.activePointer.isDown && game.input.activePointer.x > game.width/4 && game.input.activePointer.x < game.width/2 + game.width/4); return isActive;} function setup_title(){//console.log(game.input.activePointer.y); if(title_played == false){text = game.add.text(, 150, "Lift Off", style);text.anchor.set(0.5); if(level_data == 1){text2 = game.add.text(, 380, "Play Game", style);}else{text2 = game.add.text(, 380, "Continue Game", style); } text2.anchor.set(0.5);text2.inputEnabled = true; text3 = game.add.text(, 500, "Select Level", style);text3.anchor.set(0.5); title_played = true;}, this);} function down(item){if(level_data == 1){text.kill();text = game.add.text(, 150, "Level One", style);text.anchor.set(0.5);text2.kill();text2 = game.add.text(, 380, "Gravity: 10m/s", style);text2.anchor.set(0.5);text3.kill();} setInterval(function(){ game_state = "play_state"; text.kill();text2.kill();text3.kill(); }, 1000);} function setup_game(){if(level_data == 1 && ready_to_select == true){game.stage.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";game.physics.arcade.enable(player);player.visible = true; floor.y = - 100; enemy = game.add.sprite(game.width / 2, (game.height / 2), "player");enemy.scale.setTo(scaleRatio, scaleRatio);enemy.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);game.physics.arcade.enable(enemy);ready_to_select = false; }} function touched_floor(){ player.y = 200; } function update() {game.physics.arcade.collide(player, floor);game.physics.arcade.collide(enemy, floor);game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, floor, touched_floor());/*if (onTheGround) { if (Math.abs(player.body.velocity.y) > 20 || Math.abs(player.body.velocity.x) > 30) { // The ship hit the ground too hard.alert("gg m8"); // Blow it up and start the game over. //this.getExplosion(player.x, player.y); //this.resetShip(); } else { // We've landed! // Stop rotating and moving and aim the ship up. player.body.angularVelocity = 0; player.body.velocity.setTo(0, 0); player.angle = -90; } }*/ handle_input(); if(game_state == "title_screen"){setup_title();} if(game_state == "play_state"){ setup_game(); if (player.x > game.width) player.x = 0; if (player.x < 0) player.x = game.width; if (leftInputIsActive()) { // If the LEFT key is down, rotate left player.body.angularVelocity = -this.ROTATION_SPEED; } else if (rightInputIsActive()) { // If the RIGHT key is down, rotate right player.body.angularVelocity = this.ROTATION_SPEED; } else { // Stop rotating player.body.angularVelocity = 0; } if (upInputIsActive()) { // If the UP key is down, thrust // Calculate acceleration vector based on this.angle and this.ACCELERATION player.body.acceleration.x = Math.cos(player.rotation) * this.ACCELERATION; player.body.acceleration.y = Math.sin(player.rotation) * this.ACCELERATION; // Show the frame from the spritesheet with the engine on player.frame = 1; } else { // Otherwise, stop thrusting player.body.acceleration.setTo(0, 0); // Show the frame from the spritesheet with the engine off player.frame = 0; }}} My IssueThe overlap function should only be triggered when the player touches the floor. However, it is being called 60 times a second no matter where the player and the floor are in relation to each other. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rich Posted June 1, 2015 Share Posted June 1, 2015 It's because you're calling the function directly in the overlap call:game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, floor, touched_floor());This puts the results of touched_floor into the overlap call. You don't want this, you want:game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, floor, touched_floor); Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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