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Another newbie question: add text with CSS?


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Hi there!


Is it possible to add to a text a CSS class? I'd like to render the text with style from CSS instead of style "inline" ..


I know I can just use javascript to add the text, but is there a "phaser-way" ? Or is it total without a difference if I use phaser functions or javascript directly to add the text?

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What do you mean render text with a style instead of inline? Like, you want a line break as if it were a block?


Almost any manipulation of text I can think of is covered by a combination of Phaser.Text and some clever Phaser-ing. What effect are you after? Can you describe it in more detail?

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No I meant that I want to add text to the game via phaser, but style it in CSS. The "inline" in brackets meant, that when I add text via phaser, I have to give the styling elements with the text, like

        font: "13px Arial",        fill: "#fff",        align: "center"

like an "inline-css".


I think this is not possible, since the text, which is added to the game via phaser, is not an HTML Dom element. It is something rendered by the canvas element?


But it is somehow possible to include CSS classes to phaser? I'd like the texts of the game to adapt the webpage's CSS without declaring them in phaser again....

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If you look at this example: https://phaser.io/examples/v2/text/colored-characters


You will see that there is a var called "style". This allows you to set up all your styles in a variable that can be reused on different text elements that you are adding.


Here is an example with a few different "styles" set up: http://jsfiddle.net/trasheater/ktyytjw3/

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Depending how complicated you want to get you can use some calls to getComputedStyle to read the styles... but, yeah, you're probably better off just duplicating them in both places rather than engineering something complicated here.

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