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Blender - Texture not exported


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Hello everyone,


This is my first day with 3D objects/ babylon.js and Blender. I started with very basic tutorial of blender and created an object with image texture. When I exported it using babylon script and ran it in sandbox, I am not able to see the colored texture. The object is exported very well. I am attaching the blender file/ exported script and the exported artifacts. 


Can someone please help with me with this? 



Ashish S




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Yes. I checked the log file. It said Bump texture found. But like other materials it didnt log for "Processing begun for texture"

Also, I dragged and drop two files from same path (mushroom.babylon and mushroom.png)

Additionally, I loaded the babylon file in my project. Even there the behavior was same. So created the texture using code and applied it and it worked. But I would like to have everything bundled together :)

Log file output

Babylon.js Exporter version: 1.6.2, Blender version: 2.74 (sub 0)

========= Conversion from Blender to Babylon.js =========

Python World class constructor completed

processing begun of material: mushroom.mushroom

Bump texture found

processing begun of mesh: Muhsroom

num positions : 209

num normals : 209

num uvs : 418

num uvs2 : 0

num colors : 0

num indices : 420

processing begun of camera (FreeCamera): Camera

processing begun of light (POINT): Point.005

processing begun of light (POINT): Point.004

processing begun of light (POINT): Point.003

processing begun of light (POINT): Point.002

processing begun of light (POINT): Point.001

processing begun of light (POINT): Point

processing begun of light (POINT): Lamp

========= Writing of scene file started =========

========= Writing of scene file completed =========

========= end of processing =========

I have attached all the files(blender/babylon/log) including the python script I am using.


Ashish S

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At first, I thought your .blend file was messed up, as I saw no previews of your material & texture.  It was just that the path in your .blend for the .png was not the same as the .blend.  Not an error on your part.  I changed blend path to where I put it '.', and then I saw previews.


When I hit F12 in Blender, I also see it in render mode.  It matches what happens in sandbox close enough to tell the texture is being used.  I generated a .babylon.  It matched the one in your .zip.  I do not see the exporter issue.  It is by no means attractive, but that is as they say: "Not my problem".  This being your first attempt, you got the plumbing right, I think.  You can always polish the final result.



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Thanks JCPalmer for taking out time for helping me :) I know its not at all attractive but its just the start  :rolleyes:


The file is getting exported and the output which I am getting is similar to the one shown in your screenshot. But  the red color in image not getting applied on the object. Any ideas?  :blink:




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