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Drawing lines between sprites with delay


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I am currently building a puzzle game that requires sprites to be highlighted sequentially. I also need lines to be drawn between the sprites as they are highlighted.


As you can see from the example 1 I am using a setTimeout to delay the highlighting of the sprites but when the code for the lines is put within the setTimeout nothing is drawn.

I think this is a scoping issue but I am not able to figure this one out. Any ideas?


Example 1: https://jsfiddle.net/trasheater/b0xhbjge/


Example 2: https://jsfiddle.net/trasheater/b0xhbjge/2/



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I figured out a work around for this.





It seems that it did not like being moved to the location of the sprite when the function was called so I created a separate var that was populated with the x,y of the previous sprite and drew the line from previous sprite to current sprite.


Its not a real solution but it will work for my purposes.

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