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shooter level intro and outro


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Hello there,

just joined this community after discovering Phaser (Amazer!).

As the title suggest I'm building a shooter for myself and have come across a simple problem


I would like each stage (a.k.a. level) of the shooter to have multiple backgrounds: 3 actually.


So at the beginning you'd for example be near the ground where you take off (static background), you'd then reach let's say the sky that would repeat itself (tiled background) and then arrive over to the next strip of land where you'd then end the level.


In summary


---- TAKE OFF ---








----- MID TRIP ----










---- LANDING ----













the mid trip section should repeat.

Thanks guys


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I had a look at the documentation, but no examples seem to cover what I'm trying to achieve.


I am using the same mechanics on a character selection screen (with a variable amount of selectable PCs).

I can control scrolling with keyboard presses there, but I am really unsure how to do it with perpetual scrolling (maybe with time?)


On the character selection screen I started controlling the tween on a tilesprite to move a certain amount of pixels at a time; the background scrolls a specified amount of pixels on a key press.

The next step would be to overlay and sync a start and an end layer on top of the tilesprite sheet, but I'm unsure of how to sync it.

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