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How do you keep music playing between states?


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Hey guys, I begin playing some music on my Menu state and then I have a "store" state where the player can shop. I want the music to continue playing if the player switches between the main menu and the store state. 


Strange thing is, this was working previously. I probably broke it, but I can't figure out how because there's no code on the the store state about music.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi, I have the same issue, did you fix it?

I add music to game and play it on create function in other states. But it didn't take effect.

            this.game.music = this.game.add.audio('theme', 1, true);

                this.game.music = this.game.add.audio('theme', 1, true);
            if(this.game.music.isPlaying == false)

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