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[bug] Calcule Statistic debug layer


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1) I feel that there is a problem of calculation in the statistic. For example, I have a character who has 25 total bones and Babylon into account me 42 bones (almost double). this is not normal.
2) And draw calls. how it is calculated? For example my ground 36 draw calls. This is because of Octree? For that to me, a field = 1 draw call, right?
3) And something else. you can not disable the sprites in the debug layer. I see textures, but it disable anything.
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atchoum... I do not know what to think.


Here's what that says babylon and 3ds Max says :




Moi je voie 24 os dans 3ds max. pas 58 comme dit dans l'array du log ou 42 comme dit dans le debugLayer. ca me parait étrange en faites.

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In 3ds max, this tells me that I have that one and I select 25 bones (the totality of what is available.) (see image)


why babylon has 2 skeleton, where it is? I can not understand:. So either it's 3ds max has twists, or it's babylon but there is a problem somewhere.

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It's really strange, on my other project, although I have only one skeleton and it says 21 bones in the log. but in the debug layer ca said 42.


Problème trouver

it is because I use that the viewport, so my character is on scene and the minimap, so calculated is double.
I wonder if the performance problem would not bind to the use of viewport is calculated 2 times.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi DK,


I just saw again problem on statistics. (V 2.1)
The calculated draw call no longer works. Active bones, also. Total vertices and Active vertices also not works.
Also on the debugLayer. would you do it not possible to have an id or class on the button to avoid it is by our own css formatting. for this is what I have.
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This is what the rendertargets? these are the models on the scene?


I do not know what a render target.  that's why I click the button to see what it was and realize that I have a white image.


But on my scene, I have a terrain and mesh

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