7Game Posted February 13, 2015 Share Posted February 13, 2015 Hi! I have recently find #pandajs provides game Engine and gaming psychics and other gaming concepts. It is very nicely implimented and too good all showcases live games . I wanted to build a volleyball game using panda js. i have tried to understand the structure of that but its not more comfortable to understand . i have seen panda tutorials, Panda Fiddler but not much explanation their . I request here to guide me for developing the volleyball with #pandajs. i m new to gaming field. recently i have made small #html5 #games like #pacman,#tic-tac-toe, #parrallax horizontal with and without #pandajs.So Help me to gave rough path like where to start and where to end what classes needed for this game. Thank You in advance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyzohKey Posted February 17, 2015 Share Posted February 17, 2015 Hello I'm an absolute begginer with PandaJS but when I started to use it, I get on the fiddler page and then tried to use and understand all of the samples, then I get into GitHub and searched for "panda.js" which gived me a lot of game samples. Then I readed them all (including all of them files). More later I realized that if I wanted to learn I will have to read and understand the entire way PandaJS works, started to read all the engine files and then I started my game ^^Hope my bad english will help you to start with this awesome engine You can say enpu for that Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
7Game Posted February 18, 2015 Author Share Posted February 18, 2015 Yes! ThanosS . You are right Fiddler gave new way examples for Panda JS. I learn more about them from that example. I have made little one but at right now i fixed in one error. i know the problem but how to fix didn't know . Here i m posting the game layout & CODE. Layout Design are just development purpose after developed professional design attach and publish. Ball Works proper. only players want to modify..Problem : Player1 goes to Player2 side which i wanted to restrict it. and jump the Player on UP key EVENT i have done 50% Completed. Plz Help me to Fix it.. Thank You in advance.. Sorry for Bad English. Main.JSgame.module( 'game.main').require( 'plugins.box2d').body(function() { game.addAsset('ball.png'); game.addAsset('background.png'); game.addAsset('player1.png'); game.addAsset('player2.png'); game.createClass('Wall', 'Graphics', { init: function(x, y, width, height) { this._super(); //draw shapes. This is done for demonstration purposes only so you know where the walls are. this.position = {x: x, y: y}; //set linestyle and draw rectangle this.lineStyle (1, 0x92C9EF); this.beginFill(0x92C9EF, 1); this.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); this.endFill(); this.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); //x, y, width, height this.addTo(game.scene.stage); //create body definition (the 'blueprint'for the actual body). var bodyDef = new game.Box2D.BodyDef(); bodyDef.position = new game.Box2D.Vec2( (x + width / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE, (y + height / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE ); //We make the wall a StaticBody (which is actually the default type). //Mobile bodies are defined as b2_dynamicBody as we will see later on bodyDef.type = game.Box2D.Body.b2_staticBody; //Now create the actual body from the definition. this.body = game.scene.Box2Dworld.CreateBody(bodyDef); //In order to handle collision, we have to add a fixture (= the shape) of the body. //First we set up a fixture definition which will be used to create the actual fixture later on. //(Starting to see the pattern already?) var fixtureDef = new game.Box2D.FixtureDef; fixtureDef.shape = new game.Box2D.PolygonShape.AsBox( width / 2 * game.Box2D.SCALE, height / 2 * game.Box2D.SCALE ); fixtureDef.density = 0; this.body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef); //That's it! We don't have to add it to the world anymore because that is dealt with during the construction proces already. game.scene.addObject(this); } }); game.createClass('Ball', 'Sprite', { init: function(x, y) { this._super('ball.png', x, y, {anchor: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }}); game.scene.addObject(this); this.addTo(game.scene.stage); //create a body using a body definition var bodyDef = new game.Box2D.BodyDef(); bodyDef.position = new game.Box2D.Vec2( (this.position.x + this.width / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE, (this.position.y + this.height / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE ); bodyDef.type = game.Box2D.Body.b2_dynamicBody; //type is dynamicBody now! this.body = game.scene.Box2Dworld.CreateBody(bodyDef); //and the fixture var fixtureDef = new game.Box2D.FixtureDef; fixtureDef.shape = new game.Box2D.CircleShape(30 * game.Box2D.SCALE); //15 is the radius of the ball //The following features add some extra juice to our ball so it will respond in a more realistic way fixtureDef.density = 0.1; //density has influence on collisions fixtureDef.friction = 0.5; //A higher friction makes the body slow down on contact and during movement. (normal range: 0-1). fixtureDef.restitution = 0.9; //=Bounciness (range: 0-1). this.body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef); }, update: function(){ //The box2D world keeps track of the movement and position of the body. //use the update function to get the sprite in the right spot var p = this.body.GetPosition(); this.position.x = p.x / game.Box2D.SCALE; this.position.y = p.y / game.Box2D.SCALE; this.rotation = this.body.GetAngle().round(2); } }); game.createClass('Player1', 'Sprite', { init: function(x, y) { this._super('player1.png', game.system.width/4, game.system.height-100, {anchor: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }}); game.scene.addObject(this); this.addTo(game.scene.stage); //create a body using a body definition var bodyDef = new game.Box2D.BodyDef(); bodyDef.position = new game.Box2D.Vec2( (this.position.x + this.width / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE, (this.position.y + this.height / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE ); bodyDef.type = game.Box2D.Body.b2_dynamicBody; //type is dynamicBody now! this.body = game.scene.Box2Dworld.CreateBody(bodyDef); //and the fixture var fixtureDef = new game.Box2D.FixtureDef; fixtureDef.shape = new game.Box2D.CircleShape(this.width / 2 * game.Box2D.SCALE); //the radius of the ball //The following features add some extra juice to our ball so it will respond in a more realistic way fixtureDef.density = 0.5; //density has influence on collisions fixtureDef.friction = 0.5; //A higher friction makes the body slow down on contact and during movement. (normal range: 0-1). fixtureDef.restitution = 0.1; //=Bounciness (range: 0-1). this.body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef); }, update: function(){ //The box2D world keeps track of the movement and position of the body. //use the update function to get the sprite in the right spot var p = this.body.GetPosition(); this.position.x = p.x / game.Box2D.SCALE; this.position.y = p.y / game.Box2D.SCALE; if(game.keyboard.down("W")){ if(this.body.GetPosition().y >= 50) { //console.log(this.body.GetPosition()); this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(0, -5000), this.body.GetPosition()); } else { this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(0, 100000), this.body.GetPosition()); } } if(game.keyboard.down("S")){ this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(0, 2000), this.body.GetPosition()); } if(game.keyboard.down("A")){ this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(-2000, 0), this.body.GetPosition()); } if(game.keyboard.down("D")){ this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(2000, 0), this.body.GetPosition()); } } }); game.createClass('Player2', 'Sprite', { init: function(x, y) { this._super('player2.png', (game.system.width/2)+(game.system.width/4), game.system.height-100, {anchor: { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }}); game.scene.addObject(this); this.addTo(game.scene.stage); //create a body using a body definition var bodyDef = new game.Box2D.BodyDef(); bodyDef.position = new game.Box2D.Vec2( (this.position.x + this.width / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE, (this.position.y + this.height / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE ); bodyDef.type = game.Box2D.Body.b2_dynamicBody; //type is dynamicBody now! this.body = game.scene.Box2Dworld.CreateBody(bodyDef); //and the fixture var fixtureDef = new game.Box2D.FixtureDef; fixtureDef.shape = new game.Box2D.CircleShape(this.width / 2 * game.Box2D.SCALE); //the radius of the ball //The following features add some extra juice to our ball so it will respond in a more realistic way fixtureDef.density = 0.5; //density has influence on collisions fixtureDef.friction = 0.5; //A higher friction makes the body slow down on contact and during movement. (normal range: 0-1). fixtureDef.restitution = 0.1; //=Bounciness (range: 0-1). this.body.CreateFixture(fixtureDef); }, update: function(){ //The box2D world keeps track of the movement and position of the body. //use the update function to get the sprite in the right spot var p = this.body.GetPosition(); this.position.x = p.x / game.Box2D.SCALE; this.position.y = p.y / game.Box2D.SCALE; if(game.keyboard.down("UP")){ this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(0, -2000), this.body.GetPosition()); } if(game.keyboard.down("DOWN")){ this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(0, 2000), this.body.GetPosition()); } if(game.keyboard.down("LEFT")){ this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(-2000, 0), this.body.GetPosition()); } if(game.keyboard.down("RIGHT")){ this.body.ApplyForce( new game.Box2D.Vec2(2000, 0), this.body.GetPosition()); } } }); game.createScene('Main', { backgroundColor: 0xe1d4a7, init: function() { //create gravity vector var gravity = new game.Box2D.Vec2( 0, 100 * game.Box2D.SCALE );// gravity pull x, y //and now create world this.Box2Dworld = new game.Box2D.World(gravity, true); //Draw A Volley Net var graphics = new game.Graphics(); graphics.lineStyle (30, 0xff9900); graphics.moveTo(game.system.width/2,game.system.height/2+100); graphics.lineTo(game.system.width/2,game.system.height);//draw line to the absolute coordinate x, y this.stage.addChild(graphics); //Add Background var background = new game.Sprite('background.png').addTo(this.stage); //add walls var thickness = 5; //var wall_top = new game.Wall( 100, 170, 200,50); var wall_top = new game.Wall( 0, 0, game.system.width, thickness); var wall_left = new game.Wall( 0, thickness, thickness, game.system.height - 2 * thickness); var wall_right = new game.Wall( game.system.width - thickness, thickness, thickness, game.system.height - 2 * thickness); var wall_bottom = new game.Wall( 0, game.system.height - thickness, game.system.width, thickness); var wall_middle = new game.Wall( game.system.width/2, game.system.height/2+100, thickness*3, game.system.height-thickness); //add a ball var ball1 = new game.Ball( Math.random()*(game.system.width-200) + 100, Math.random()*250 + 100); var player1 = new game.Player1(300,300); var player2 = new game.Player2(300,300); //Score Text var score = new game.PIXI.Text("::Score::", { font: '50px Comic Sans MS', stroke: '#E7E7E4', strokeThickness:2}); score.position.x=game.system.width/2-100; score.position.y=10; this.stage.addChild(score); //Score Text Player1 var scoreplayer1 = new game.PIXI.Text("0", { font: '50px Comic Sans MS', stroke: '#E7E7E4', strokeThickness:2}); scoreplayer1.position.x=150; scoreplayer1.position.y=10; this.stage.addChild(scoreplayer1); //Score Text Player2 var scoreplayer2 = new game.PIXI.Text("0", { font: '50px Comic Sans MS', stroke: '#E7E7E4', strokeThickness:2}); scoreplayer2.position.x=game.system.width-150; scoreplayer2.position.y=10; this.stage.addChild(scoreplayer2); }, update: function(){ this._super(); //The following code is needed to update the time in the box2d world. //The values below are fine as default values, feel free to look up more info in the reference. this.Box2Dworld.Step( game.system.delta, //time elapsed 6, //world Velocity Iterations 6 //world Position Iterations ); this.Box2Dworld.ClearForces(); //The world has been updated. Now get rid of forces that had been set during the previous cicle. } }); }); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SkyzohKey Posted February 18, 2015 Share Posted February 18, 2015 I think you should take an eyes to this part of the Player2 Class:bodyDef.position = new game.Box2D.Vec2( (this.position.x + this.width / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE, (this.position.y + this.height / 2) * game.Box2D.SCALE); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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