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Loading content - frame rate drop


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I'm experiencing heavy drops in framerate when dynamically loading content, which is affecting tweens i have running.


I have a loading screen that pops up and tweens a handful of objects. While the new content is loading the frame rate drops from around 40-30 to 10 or less, and causes the tweens to be really jumpy.


Can anyone explain why this is occurring?



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Because the browser is using lots of its available processing time to handle the asset loading and most likely decoding - this is especially evident if you're loading audio files, as the decoding of these can suck the CPU bone dry, leaving little or no time left for any tweens.

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Ah, okay. I'm guessing, but would you need access to different cpu cores to bypass this? I guess you can't do that in javascript.

I just like moving loading screens as it feels like something is actually happening and things haven't frozen.

Are there any other methods/techniques that could help or produce a similar effect?

Or is the only way to have static loading screens?


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I always have motion on my loading screens. Just never too much, and always done with sprite animations rather than tweens (as they rely on accurate browser timings mostly).


Audio decoding is the worst though. You'll find you can load most other forms of asset without a significant frame drop, but once you start audio decoding all bets are off.

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