JayParker Posted February 9, 2015 Share Posted February 9, 2015 I am very new with phaser and have been having a lot of trouble with Sprite v Group collision. I have a JSON map with an object layer set up for item collision. //Creat function has se up a new game group called items, enabled physics and added a new object with the gitId 2062 to the item object group var items; function create(){..... items = game.add.group(); items.enablebody =true; items.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; mymap.createFromObjects('objectLayer', 2062, 'keyYellow', 0, true, false, items); .....} // In the update function I have tried several way to try to detect a collisions, these are just the latest. function update(){.... // neither currently working, but at least being rendered. game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, items, keyCollision, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(player, items, keyCollision); //if(game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, items)) //keyCollision(player, items);....} // The console log isnt being detected, so I am guessing no collision is being detected either. function keyCollision (player, items){ console.log(' Colission detected! '); //items.kill(); } //JSON file for gID "draworder":"topdown", "height":0, "name":"objectLayer", "objects":[ { "gid":2062, "height":0, "name":"", "properties": { "sprite":"key", "type":"item" }, I end up receiving 2 errors: Exception in 'styleSheetRemoved' listener on Object GET <url>json net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED Honestly I am stuck, any help would be appreciated. I will attach the whole code and assets if necessary. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JayParker Posted February 10, 2015 Author Share Posted February 10, 2015 Here is the code in its entirety. Perhaps it will help better understand what I am trying to accomplish and where I went wrong.var mymap;Unused Object Layers//var layerDoorOpen;//var layerPlayerStart;//var layerPlayerFinish;//var layerPlatformCollision;var layerplatform;var layerDirectionalArrow;var layerbackground;var layerLadder;var layerKey;var tileset;var player;var BGMusic;var items;var game = new Phaser.Game(700, 700, Phaser.CANVAS, '',{preload:preload, create:create, update:update});function preload() { // Assets // Firefox doesn't support mp3 files, so use ogg game.load.audio('BGMUSIC', ['assets/Happy.mp3', 'assets/Happy.ogg']); game.load.atlasJSONHash('duck', 'assets/duck_65_Jason_nomovement.png', 'assets/duck_65_Jason_nomovement.json'); game.load.image('backGround', 'BackGround.png'); game.load.tilemap('testmap', 'Beach 1.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON); //game.load.image('Beach 1', 'Beach 1.png' //game.load.image('backGround', 'BackGround.png'); game.load.image('dirtCenter', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/dirtCenter.png'); game.load.image('sandHalfLeft', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/sandHalfLeft.png'); game.load.image('sandHalfMid', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/sandHalfMid.png'); game.load.image('sandHalfRight', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/sandHalfRight.png'); game.load.image('sandCliffLeft', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/sandCliffLeft.png'); game.load.image('sandCenter', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/sandCenter.png'); game.load.image('ladder_mid', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/ladder_mid.png'); game.load.image('ladder_top', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/ladder_top.png'); game.load.image('keyYellow', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Items/keyYellow.png'); game.load.image('Menu_3', 'Menu_3.png'); game.load.image('signRight', 'assets/images/2D PLATFORM/Tiles/signRight.png');}function create() { game.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.ARCADE); game.physics.arcade.gravity.y = 1200; if (!game.device.desktop) { game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL; document.body.style.backgroundColor = '#3498db'; game.scale.minWidth = 250; game.scale.minHeight = 170; game.scale.maxWidth = 1000; game.scale.maxHeight = 680; game.scale.pageAlignHorizontally = true; game.scale.pageAlignVertically = true; game.scale.setScreenSize(true); } BGMusic = game.add.audio('BGMUSIC','Happy',1,true); BGMusic.play('',0,1,true); BG = game.add.tileSprite(0,0,700,700,'backGround'); mymap = game.add.tilemap('testmap'); // mymap.addTilesetImage('Beach 1', 'Beach 1'); mymap.addTilesetImage('dirtCenter', 'dirtCenter'); mymap.addTilesetImage('sandHalfLeft', 'sandHalfLeft'); mymap.addTilesetImage('sandHalfMid', 'sandHalfMid'); mymap.addTilesetImage('sandHalfRight', 'sandHalfRight'); mymap.addTilesetImage('sandCliffLeft', 'sandCliffLeft'); mymap.addTilesetImage('sandCenter', 'sandCenter'); mymap.addTilesetImage('ladder_mid', 'ladder_mid'); mymap.addTilesetImage('ladder_top', 'ladder_top'); //mymap.addTilesetImage('keyYellow', 'keyYellow'); mymap.addTilesetImage('Menu_3', 'Menu_3'); mymap.addTilesetImage('signRight', 'signRight'); layerborder = mymap.createLayer('Border'); layerplatform = mymap.createLayer('Platform'); //layerKey = mymap.createLayer('Key'); layerLadder = mymap.createLayer('Ladder'); layerDirectionalArrow = mymap.createLayer('Directional Arrow'); //HERE YOU HAVE TO USE createFromObjects //layerPlayerStart = mymap.createLayer('Player Start'); //layerPlayerFinish = mymap.createLayer('Player Finish'); //layerPlatformCollision = mymap.createLayer('Platform Collision'); // Here trying to add an sprite with the ID of 2062 to the item group from the onjectLayer from tmx JSON items = game.add.group(); items.enablebody =true; mymap.createFromObjects('objectLayer', 2062, 'keyYellow', 0, true, false, items); items.physicsBodyType = Phaser.Physics.ARCADE; // items.body.setCollisionGroup(player) layerborder.resizeWorld(); // Previous attempt at collision when the layer was attributed to an imageLayer rather than an ObjecLayer. //mymap.setCollisionBetween(2062, true, items); //mymap.setCollision(33, true, layerKey); mymap.setCollisionByExclusion([0], true, layerborder); // here we activate a possible collision for all tiles on layer1 except the one with the index 0 (the index starts with 1 (first tile) so this means "collide with all tiles on the tilset that are placed on the layer) mymap.setCollisionBetween(1,24,true,layerplatform); // here we use a different approach - we activate the potential collision for all tiles with an index between 1 and 24 (again all tiles of the tilesetimage - there are only 20 tiles on it) player = game.add.sprite(150, 200, 'duck'); game.physics.enable(player); player.anchor.setTo(0.5,0.5); game.camera.follow(player); // camera allways center the player player.body.width=40; player.animations.add('RStep', [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44], 20, true); player.animations.add('LStep', [130,129,128, 127, 126, 125, 124, 123, 122, 121, 120, 119, 118, 113, 116, 115, 114, 113, 112, 111, 110, 109, 108, 107, 106, 105, 104, 103, 102, 101, 100, 99, 98], 20, true); cursors = game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); // we need some cursor keys for our controls} function update() { // Checks to see if the player overlaps with any of the item objects, if he does call the keyCollision function // neither currently working, but at least game being rendered. game.physics.arcade.overlap(player, this.items, keyCollision, null, this); game.physics.arcade.collide(player, items, keyCollision); game.physics.arcade.collide(player, layerborder); //here we actually activate the collision for layermain (called layer1 in tiled) game.physics.arcade.collide(player, layerplatform); // here we activate the collision for "layer2" aka layersecondary as we named the layer object player.body.velocity.x=0; // reset player velocity every step if (cursors.left.isDown ){ // Move to the left player.scale.x = 1; // a little trick.. flips the image to the left player.body.velocity.x = -150; player.animations.play('LStep'); //now play the animation named "walk" } else if (cursors.right.isDown) {// Move to the right player.scale.x = 1; player.body.velocity.x= 150; player.animations.play('RStep'); } else { player.loadTexture('duck', 0); // this loads the frame 0 of duck spritesheet } // this loads the frame 0 (jump) of duck spritesheet if (cursors.up.isDown) { player.loadTexture('duck', 0); if(player.body.onFloor()){ // this checks if the player is on the floor (we don't allow airjumps) player.body.velocity.y = -800; // change the y velocity to -800 means "jump!" } } } function ladderCollision (player, layerLadder) { console.log(' Colission detected! '); if (cursors.up.isDown ){ // Move up player.scale.x = 1; player.body.velocity.y = 150; player.loadTexture('duck', 100); } if (cursors.down.isDown ){ // Move up player.scale.x = 1; player.body.velocity.y = -150; player.loadTexture('duck', 100); }}//This console log does not ouput. function keyCollision (player, items){ console.log(' Colission detected! '); //items.kill(); } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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