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Phaser signals context binding


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Hello! I have a question. 

When I add a handler to signal and bind context to this one property becomes null, but it is not null right before binding.

console.log(this);      btnCheckMark.onCheckMarkBtnClicked.add(function(){        console.log(this)      }, this);


Here is the console output.


First console.log:

FarmBlueprint {game: b.Game, farmDragStop: function, farmDragStart: function, inputDownHandler: function, name: "group"…} 

Second one:

FarmBlueprint {game: null, farmDragStop: function, farmDragStart: function, inputDownHandler: function, name: "group"…}

As you can see game property is null in second case. I can not understand why.

Thanks for your help.

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