Reicher Posted February 7, 2015 Share Posted February 7, 2015 Hi! I'm really starting to get into Phaser and would like to know it better. I have a couple of of bodies in a group, they all fall down nicely with the arcade physics. But I want to rotate them around a center point. I do this by tweening the group, the rotation looks great but once it's done they moving (falling?) in weird directions. A theory in #phaserio on freenode was that the bodies are still falling down relative to the group down? Why are they not falling down in the "world's down"?this.physics.startSystem(Phaser.Physics.this.physics.arcade.gravity.y = var aGroup =;aGroup.x =;aGroup.y =;var sprite = aGroup.create(-100, 0, 'phaser');sprite.anchor.set(0.5);this.physics.arcade.enable(sprite); var sprite2 = aGroup.create(100, 0, 'phaser');sprite2.anchor.set(0.5);this.physics.arcade.enable(sprite2); var tween = this.add.tween(aGroup).to ( {angle: '-90' }, 500, Phaser.Easing.Linear.None, true); Example on pastebin: Am I doing something wrong or is this how it's supposed to behave? How could you do this any other way? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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