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Spritesheet wont load in Cordova but in Browser its fine


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Hi guys :)

I have the Problem, that one of my Spritesheets wont load, as android app in Cordova.

But every other images, sheets and other data work.

It also works fine in firefox and Chrome.

I tested the Cordova build on my Galaxy S3.

I hope someone know this issue,

Dennis :D

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after some hours of searching i have some more informations:
after i load the spritesheet, i add an animation. that still works, but the picture is missing.

at the point where i add an event for onAnimationComplete the game stopped (still only on my phone not in Browser)

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  • 1 year later...

It is always the little things.. Thank you for sharing.


i have very weird bugs using phaser with cordova. On of them is with objects sharing the same texture. if I change one, then the other, the two or more objects  become "entangle" and everytime i change texture for one of it changes the texture of the other objects. Did you encounter this bug before ? Could it be related to a frustrating glitch like the one you describe here? I fear it might be more complicated.. But i am ofren wrong  when debuggin! 


Arrays of sprites are ok in cordova no ?


Hope your project went well !

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