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[Phaser] Curvatron - Single button snake game. Now on Android!


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Some info: Tested on Chrome but should work on any HTML5 capable browser. Some stuff might not work properly on all browsers, like the text fonts, sound effects, or music. Also works on mobile browsers (single player only), but there will probably be performance issues.


Me and a friend of mine made this game in about a week. We just finished cleaning up some bugs so we could release this Beta and see what people think of the game. Still needs to be optimized, performance will drop when players get too big.


Single Player: There aren't any instructions in the game for now, so if you're lost: you can control the snake by using the Q key (default, can be changed) or by clicking/touching the screen. This makes the rotating snake change directions. Regular snake rules apply, with the player colliding with itself and collecting the gold circles to make itself bigger.


Multiplayer: Each player is assigned a button, and the players don't collide with themselves, only with each other. The biggest player gets the crown, and the last player to have the crown wins. Ties don't really work very well right now.


The basic single player mode is pretty much completely done (although we have a lot of ideas for other game modes), but the multiplayer mode still needs some work. Should still be fun with a few friends. Good luck trying to play with 8 people on the same keyboard, though. I still need to work on some stuff so people can use any key on the keyboard and not just the letters/numbers, and also let people play with a game controller.


Hope you like it, but if you don't, please tell me why :)

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Ah my mistake: it's a one key game ;) But I play to so many games with WASD->ZQSD issue that I thought It was the case here again. Sorry!

No problem! But, just so you know, you can choose your key from the main menu! Maybe I should make that accessible from the game as well...

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You have to get used to controls. But after a while you do feel like a snake  :)

Hm maybe I should put up a warning before the game so people know this is a possible side effect  :o


Seriously, though, thanks for the feedback, everyone! I'm glad you like it. Development is a bit slower right now but soon we'll be bringing some more substantial updates.

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