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Yellow Adventure (New HTML5 Game)


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Really liked this game. I got as far as level 15 before I stopped playing because It was a little frustrating to have to start the level over and over again. I would suggets maybe putting a checkpoint system in place for more difficult levels. You are more likely to lose players if they get frustrated at the higher levels.


Also on level 9 and 11 I was able to skip most of the level by going out to the right of the screen just enough to drop to the level below. I would suggest maybe preventing the ball form being able to exit the screen from the sides.

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Thanks trasheater & yzigames for pointing bugs/fixes. Going to fix now


It will be difficult to use left and right side controls to control the ball on pc use arrow keys to control the ball (as it is already mentioned in the help)

can any one here test this game on Iphone/Android devices (As I only have 7 inch android tablet for testing)

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Hello Ousaf,


I played all the levels in your game and I must say its awesome! A little hard though. It is working fine on my iPhone. You can just use a Web View to port the game to all three mobile platforms. I am a new developer and I am looking to collaborate with fellow developers and designers to launch my new game on iOS app store and make my mark.


Here is an abandoned attempt of an HTML5/WebGL game I tried to create: http://adnan-zahid.eu5.org/seesaw


If you ever need to work in any capacity with a fellow developer. Please contact me. I can make native iOS, Android and HTML5/WebGL/Three.JS apps.




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Hi Adan


thank U very much for your appreciation.


Do you really completed all the levels...? if yes then do u play this game on iPhone or PC and how much time it take to complete all the levels


I played your game. Game concept and game play is really cool but here are some advises regarding this game


-when ball hit the sew-Saw then camera suddenly move to another ball (make it smooth transition)

-Acceleration and deceleration should be adjusted


Any ways if u fix this and add more levels then game will be awesome


And I will surly remember u for future projects

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Hello Ousaf,


Yes I completed all the levels on my MacBook. Played the first 3 levels on my iPhone but the game's performance is not 100% on mobile devices, its roughly 70% to 80%. By performance I mean speed and graphical performance both. That is why HTML5 based cross platform games are not that popular compared to the native ones.


Thanks for analyzing my game, I left it incomplete because it took too much effort to design one level (imagine what it would take to design 30, 50 or 100s of them). Also, I don't have any graphic designers so my game feels incomplete.


Anyway, I am going to start working on a new game. The target platform is iOS (Swift) initially. I will be the programmer, I also have an audio composer. I am looking for a graphic designer. If the game is successful I will port it to Android and HTML5 as well. If you are interested in contributing, let me know. I will provide you the concept art and we will discuss the details via Skype or Google Hangouts.




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- Played it on PC and iPod (runs smoothly except for tweening for the first 3 tiles and "SELECT LEVEL" text on select level screen and I can see lines of space between platform tiles which ground is built from).

- The 15th level was quite irritating and I started to wonder if these first spikes on the 3rd floor aren't taller than the rest :D as it was the place were I usually was losing. But finally I managed to pass it and then stop playing on 21st. Gameplay is quite addictive to me.

- Graphics is ok but I'd consider changing this simple yellow ball on some more impressive ball and these spikes hung in the air without no ground look little strange.

- Sorting objects on layers: e.g. 15th - grass on the first floor is in front of the ball - is it how it's supposed to be?

- The spring animation seems to be not synchronized the best with the ball falling and now it looks like the ball was bouncing off something invisible above this red spring board.


Nice game, just need a little bit more work ;)

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