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need design ideas


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Hi people,


Sorry the very personal aspect of this post but I need ideas or suggestion about the way of doing.


#1 : http://logiciels.iut-rodez.fr/proto/weathermap/

My weathermap network soft. This a graph. Each node is a switch device of the university ethernet network. They are linked together, well, by links on which I monitor the live traffic (bandwith, tcp/udp packets, etc).

I want to represent this traffic by some nice animations.

I intend to make tube links. In each tube, some digital rain would fall the same direction as the traffic, speed and color intensity would vary accordind to metrology values.


How would you implement this digital rain in tube links ?

sliding textures ?

sprites along a curve path ?

how to simulate the fade out effect of each digit character ?


# 2 : http://raphael.bousquie.fr/jeux/starwars/starwars.html

I used to be an addict of the StarWars arcade game at what I spent so mush time and money :) .

I wanted to do something bringing the same kind of feelings (lasers everywhere, fast cursor, etc) for my son.

So this is a old attempt in pure 2D canvas (please reload until you get the guns, no preloader implemented), mix of starwars and starRaiders : mouse + CTRL to fire


The particles are heavily recycled as soon they go out the screen.


How would you do the same (recycling particles) in BJS ? 

no z-axis movement and out-of frustrum condition for recycling ?

would the particles move ? or just the cam ?

got no idea in 3D  :(  to keep high-recycling process and speed


How would you represent the lasers too ?


I'm open to all ideas, suggestions , beers  :lol:

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#2 : Particles are already recycled in Babylon. You can also improve the 'update' method of the particle system (check this thread) with your own conditions.

I suggest to make the camera static, and move particles to give an impression of movement. I have no idea how to represent lasers, iiceman did some nice light saber not long ago : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1WUQ1S%234

With some tweaks you can create laser i guess. Another method would be to look at shaders.

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Thank you  :)

very nice iiceman playground example !


I knew particles were recycled  :)

My question is rather about what condition would trigger the reclycing. In 2D, a particle getting ot ouf the screen is immediatly recycled and re-rendered somewhere else.


Following your advice, if I set a static cam with particles coming in to it, I will have to :

- maybe recycle the particles once they reach the cam position (or the plane containing the cam), this seems easy to do

- move the distant emitter in function of the simulated starship movement direction (the sight here) and continously emit particles towards the cam


am I right ?

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