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Need help. Simple platformer.


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I just started to learn PHASER.

So I want to create platformer game like  STARSTRUCK ( http://dev.phaser.io/examples/games/starstruck# ). But in example map consists of rectangles excluding this place: image.png

This place has no body. So character can stay IN this triangle.

But my map must be freeform(not just rectangles or triangles). Is it possible in phaser?

I tried to use the image with invisible part. But it does not work becouse invisible part has a body.


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you need to use p2 physics instead of arcade and then work with Polygons.. you can use tiled editor for example to paint your map and create poligons with the polyline tool too... there are already 100 posts in this forum that cover this topic.. search for polylines or better.. slanted tiles or something similar

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Show some code.

All code is from first example for phaser. And I dont understand how it can help.

<!doctype html> <html lang="en"> <head> 	<meta charset="UTF-8" />	<title>Phaser - Making your first game, part 1</title>	<script type="text/javascript" src="js/phaser.min.js"></script>    <style type="text/css">        body {            margin: 0;        }    </style></head><body><script type="text/javascript">var game = new Phaser.Game(800, 600, Phaser.AUTO, '', { preload: preload, create: create, update: update });function preload() {     game . load . image ( 'rock' ,   'assets/rock.png' ) ;      game . load . image ( 'sky' ,   'assets/sky.png' ) ;      game . load . image ( 'ground' ,   'assets/platform.png' ) ;      game . load . image ( 'star' ,   'assets/star.png' ) ;      game . load . spritesheet ( 'dude' ,   'assets/dude.png' ,   32 ,   48 ) ; }function create() { game . physics . startSystem ( Phaser . Physics . ARCADE ) ;       //  A simple background for our game      //game . add . sprite ( 0 ,   0 ,   'sky' ) ; 	 game.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 1920, 600, 'sky');     game.world.setBounds(0, 0, 1920, 600);      //  The platforms group contains the ground and the 2 ledges we can jump on      platforms   =   game . add . group ( ) ;      //  We will enable physics for any object that is created in this group      platforms . enableBody   =   true ;       // Here we create the ground.      var   ground   =   platforms . create ( 0 ,   game . world . height   -   64 ,   'ground' ) ;	 ground . scale . setTo ( 5 ,   2 ) ; 	 ground . body . immovable   =   true ;      var   rock   =   platforms . create ( 80 ,   400 ,   'rock' ) ; 	 rock . scale . setTo ( 5 ,   2 ) ;      rock . body . immovable   =   true ;       //  Now let's create two ledges      var   ledge   =   platforms . create ( 400 ,   400 ,   'ground' ) ;       ledge . body . immovable   =   true ;       ledge   =   platforms . create ( - 150 ,   250 ,   'ground' ) ;       ledge . body . immovable   =   true ; 	      // The player and its settings      player   =   game . add . sprite ( 32 ,   game . world . height   -   150 ,   'dude' ) ;       //  We need to enable physics on the player      game . physics . arcade . enable ( player ) ;       //  Player physics properties. Give the little guy a slight bounce.      player . body . bounce . y   =   0 ;      player . body . gravity . y   =   2000 ;      player . body . collideWorldBounds   =   true ;       //  Our two animations, walking left and right.      player . animations . add ( 'left' ,   [ 0 ,   1 ,   2 ,   3 ] ,   10 ,   true ) ;      player . animations . add ( 'right' ,   [ 5 ,   6 ,   7 ,   8 ] ,   10 ,   true ) ; 	 game.camera.follow(player);}function update() {game . physics . arcade . collide ( player ,   platforms ) ;cursors   =   game . input . keyboard . createCursorKeys ( ) ;      //  Reset the players velocity (movement)      player . body . velocity . x   =   0 ; 	       if   ( cursors . left . isDown  &&   player . body . touching . down )      {          //  Move to the left          player . body . velocity . x   =   - 150 ;           player . animations . play ( 'left' ) ;      }      else   if   ( cursors . right . isDown  &&   player . body . touching . down )      {          //  Move to the right          player . body . velocity . x   =   150 ;           player . animations . play ( 'right' ) ;      }      else      {          //  Stand still          player . animations . stop ( ) ;           player . frame   =   4 ;      }     if (player . body . touching . down)	{	player . body . gravity . x   =   0 ; 	}     //  Allow the player to jump if they are touching the ground. 	      if   ( cursors . up . isDown   &&   player . body . touching . down)      {      		 player . body . velocity . y   =   - 1000 ;      }      if   ( cursors . up . isDown   &&   player . body . touching . down  &&  cursors . right . isDown)      {       		 player . body . gravity . x   =   20000 ; 		 player . body . velocity . y   =   - 1000 ;      } 	      if   ( cursors . up . isDown   &&   player . body . touching . down  &&  cursors . left . isDown)      {       		 player . body . gravity . x   =   -20000 ; 		 player . body . velocity . y   =   - 1000 ;      } } </script></body></html>
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you need to use p2 physics instead of arcade and then work with Polygons.. you can use tiled editor for example to paint your map and create poligons with the polyline tool too... there are already 100 posts in this forum that cover this topic.. search for polylines or better.. slanted tiles or something similar

Thx. I found what I need.

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