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Drag image so it fits the ground


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Hi, how can I drag the images so they fits to size of ground, One image is one square.


My code for this is:

var ground = BABYLON.Mesh.CreateGround("ground", (number*BLOCK_SIZE), (number*BLOCK_SIZE), 1, scene);ground.position.y = BLOCK_SIZE / 2;if(number % 2 === 0){	ground.position.x += BLOCK_SIZE / 2;	ground.position.z += BLOCK_SIZE / 2;}var groundMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("ground", scene);groundMaterial.emissiveTexture = new BABYLON.Texture("textures/ground.png", scene);groundMaterial.emissiveTexture.uScale = number;groundMaterial.emissiveTexture.vScale = number;ground.material = groundMaterial;

Please help me/


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Hi granskog, welcome to the forum!

"Drag" is a mousebutton thing, but I think you mean stretch or fit or something.

Really, all you have to do is put 'number' in place of '1' in that first line.  You need to subdivide the ground.  You have it set for 1 subdivision.

I made a playground that shows the fix.  I also overlayed a second ground... a wireframe ground, so you can see the subdivisions better.  Maybe this will help.  Do experiments, edits, hit RUN again... zip a version and take it home, have fun.  I THINK this is what you are looking for.


Again, welcome!  Keep us posted on your progress and discoveries.

Later, you might want to check out http://makina-corpus.com/blog/metier/2014/how-to-use-multimaterials-with-a-tiled-ground-in-babylonjs 

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I think Wingnut already gave you the solution, what exactly is the problem or what don't you understand?

Here is a simpler version of Wingnuts example: http://playground.babylonjs.com/#R9NXF#1 Isn't that what you want?

I think one of the links wingnut posted seems broken, so I try add add it here again: http://makina-corpus.com/blog/metier/2014/how-to-use-multimaterials-with-a-tiled-ground-in-babylonjs

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