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The march towards 1.0


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Ok another day of coding and some more great things knocked off the list:


  • Now works on iOS ;) I had to fix a few issues in the SoundManager and now all the tests work on iOS properly.
  • Fixed a bug where none of the Input worked on a WebGL context.
  • Fixed the Bring to Top bug, now works beautifully across Canvas and WebGL.
  • Added in a stripped down ColorUtils class and moved the less essential ones to a ColorHarmony plugin.
  • Particle Emitters can now take an array of image keys and/or an array of frames too. You can also position the emitter now which makes for some cool effects!
  • Fixed a legacy bug where a pending piece of audio wouldn't start playing when a mobile device was touch unlocked, now it does :)
  • Started getting game scaling back into action.
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Ok the list is getting shorter :) Yesterday I got BitmapText support merged, added Fullscreen support, added RenderTextures and allowed Sprites to use them directly, added the ability to crop Sprites independent of their frame size, created some more Plugins (CSS3Filters for example) and ported over most of the Tilemap classes. I need to get Tilemaps rendering today and then I've just got lots of device and function testing to do, i.e. Camera movement + Physics + Animation. Things like this :) But it's looking like I may well be able to make this version the master one tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

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More good progress today. Added Pixel Perfect hit detection for Sprites (off by default) but works across static sprites, animated sprites, rotating, scaled and camera positioned too. Added in a new Camera.atLimit property, tidied up the World a lot to add a default Group and removed a lot of redundant functions. Sorted out the Camera.follow function, sorted out the PluginManager and worked on State swapping. Also fixed a load of Audio issues in Firefox.


Am down to 3 things left on the list :)

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And Tilemaps are in :) Rendering beautifully in WebGL and Canvas (only 1 GPU draw call per tilemap!) and also just finished and heavily optimised collision for them as well. I've got some State swapping tests to do and then that's it.. we're feature complete and I can think about launching. I need to go through and add jsdoc markup but we've got a new intern starting on Monday who can help with this. I think for now I just need to make this master.

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Messing around with textureAtlas in the 1.00JS branch - seems one of the animation parser methods might be inconsistent (with one broken).


src/animation/Parser.js:102 v.s. src/animation/Parser.js:165


one's a for(;;) loop and the others for..in


leaves src/animation/Parser.js:115 trying to use `frames[key]` instead of `frames`


Hope that makes sense and sorry if I've got it wrong!


(Phaser's aweome btw ^^)

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