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Phaser Timer repeat event wont fire the second time


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I'm a complete newbie when comes to javascript, phaser and web game-development, so go easy on me.


I've been struggling with the Phaser.Timer object. Basically I'm trying to create a 2D sidescroller where the camera scrolls when the character reaches one of the edges.


I've got four rectangles, one for each side.  I check rectangle.contains(x, y) for each of the rectangles in the update loop. The xy-coords are the character world-coordinates. 

When the character hits one of the rectangles I move all of the rectangles to their new xy-coords and then start scrolling the camera by manipulating it's xy-coords.


Everything works fine the first time I hit a rectangle. Both the rectangles and the camera moves as I want them to.

But when I hit another rectangle the borders move but not the camera. When debugging I notice that it seems to die when reaching this line.

self.timer.repeat(self.interval, widthToScroll, self.scrollCameraXForward, self);


You can find that same snippet in the included code block below along with the cameramanger prototype where I control the movement of the rectangles and the camera.

And please refrain from comments that aren't constructive since I'm new to this and still learning the ropes.

'use strict';NameSpaceBase.CameraManager = function(settings) {  this.settings = settings || null;  this.collisionManager = this.settings.collisionManager || null;  this.game = settings.game || null;  this.camera = this.game.camera || null;  this.camera.setBoundsToWorld();  this.boundary = 20;  this.interval = 1;  this.borders = null;  this.timer = null;  this.eventCompleted = false;  this.intersectsBorder = false;  this.logger = this.settings.logger || null;}NameSpaceBase.CameraManager.prototype = {  initialize: function() {    this.camera.roundPx = false;    var topRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, this.game.width, this.boundary);    var rightRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(this.game.width - this.boundary, 0, this.boundary, this.game.height);    var bottomRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, this.game.height - this.boundary, this.game.width, this.boundary);    var leftRect = new Phaser.Rectangle(0, 0, this.boundary, this.game.height);    this.borders = {      topRect: topRect,      leftRect: leftRect,      bottomRect: bottomRect,      rightRect: rightRect    };    this.timer = this.game.time.create(this.game, false);      },  /**   * Update loop for camera.   * Check if player is at edge of screen and move camera accordingly   */  update: function(x, y) {    if (!this.intersectsBorder) {      if (this.borders.topRect.contains(x, y)) {        this.scrollTop();      } else if (this.borders.rightRect.contains(x, y)) {        this.scrollRight();      } else if (this.borders.bottomRect.contains(x, y)) {        this.scrollBottom();      } else if (this.borders.leftRect.contains(x, y)) {        this.scrollLeft();      }    }  },  scrollTop: function() {    var self = this;    self.scroll(self, 'y', 1);  },  scrollRight: function() {    var self = this;    self.scroll(self, 'x', 1);  },  scrollBottom: function() {    var self = this;    self.scroll(self, 'y', -1);  },  scrollLeft: function() {    var self = this;    self.scroll(self, 'x', -1);  },  scroll: function(target, axis, points) {    var self = target;    var widthToScroll = (self.game.width / 2);    self.eventCompleted = false;    self.scrollBorders(self, axis, points);        self.intersectsBorder = true;    self.timer.start();    this.timer.onComplete.add(this.onScrollComplete, this);    if (axis === 'x') {      if (points > 0) {        self.timer.repeat(self.interval, widthToScroll, self.scrollCameraXForward, self);      }      if (points < 0) {        self.timer.repeat(self.interval, widthToScroll, self.scrollCameraXBackward, self);      }          }    if (axis === 'y') {      if (points > 0) {        self.timer.repeat(self.interval, widthToScroll, self.scrollCameraYForward, self);      }      if (points < 0) {        self.timer.repeat(self.interval, widthToScroll, self.scrollCameraYBackward, self);      }    }  },  scrollBorders: function(target, axis, direction) {    var self = target;    for (var border in self.borders) {      if (direction > 0) {        self.borders[border][axis] += (self.game.width / 2);        self.logger.log('ScrollBorders - axis: ' + axis + ", direction: " + direction);      }      if (direction < 0) {        self.borders[border][axis] -= (self.game.width / 2);        self.logger.log('ScrollBorders - axis: ' + axis + ", direction: " + direction);      }    }  },  scrollCameraXForward: function() {    var self = this;    if (!self.eventCompleted) {      self.logger.log('ScrollCameraXForward');      self.camera.x += 1;    }  },  scrollCameraXBackward: function() {    var self = this;    if (!self.eventCompleted) {      self.logger.log('ScrollCameraXBackward');      self.camera.x += -1;    }  },  scrollCameraYForward: function() {    var self = this;    if (!self.eventCompleted) {      self.logger.log('ScrollCameraYForward');      self.camera.y += 1;    }  },  scrollCameraYBackward: function() {    var self = this;    if (!self.eventCompleted) {      self.logger.log('ScrollCameraYBackward');      self.camera.y += -1;    }  },  onScrollComplete: function() {    var self = this;    self.eventCompleted = true;    self.intersectsBorder = false;    self.logger.log('Scrolling complete');    self.timer.stop(true);  }};
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