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Need update to babylon.2.0.d.ts & other stuff for TOB Mesh Factory


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babylon.2.0.d.ts does not have the new BABYLON.Mesh constructor signature for mesh factory code I am generating from Tower of Babel 2.0 .  I am also wondering if source argument should have a default of null, instead of being optional (?)


The prelim code below has the class Arial.A instanced 2 different ways.  When not being cloned, Arial.A still needs to pass the source arg in the call to super.  What gets passed?

module Arial{    var meshLib = new Array<BABYLON.Mesh>(56);    var meshCount = [0,0,0, . . . ,0];    export function meshFactory(scene : BABYLON.Scene, meshName : string, materialsRootDir : string = "./") : BABYLON.Mesh {        if (typeof BABYLON.Engine.Version === "undefined" || Number(BABYLON.Engine.Version.substr(0, 4)) < 2.0) throw "Babylon version too old";        var ret:BABYLON.Mesh = null;        var src:BABYLON.Mesh;        switch (meshName){            case "A":                src = meshLib[55];                if (src === null){                    ret = new A("A", scene, materialsRootDir);                    meshLib[55] = ret;                }else                    ret = new A("A", scene, materialsRootDir, src);                meshCount[55] += 1;                break;             . . .        }        if (ret === null) BABYLON.Tools.Error("Mesh not found: " + meshName);        return ret;    }    export class A extends DIALOG.Letter {        constructor(name: string, scene: BABYLON.Scene, materialsRootDir: string = "./", source? : Arial.A) {            super(name, scene, null, source, true);            Arial.defineMaterials(scene, materialsRootDir); //embedded version check            BABYLON.Tools.Log('defining mesh: ' + this.name);            this.setMaterialByID("font.signMaterial");            this.id = this.name;            this.billboardMode  = 0;            this.position.x  = 0;            this.position.y  = 0;            this.position.z  = 0;            this.rotation.x  = 0;            this.rotation.y  = 0;            this.rotation.z  = 0;            this.scaling.x   = 1;            this.scaling.y   = 1;            this.scaling.z   = 1;            this.isVisible       = true;            this.checkCollisions = false;            this.receiveShadows  = false;            this.setVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.PositionKind, [                0,0,0,0.362,0.686,0,0.293,0.686,0,0.326,0.536,0,0.667,0,0,0.224,0.289,0,0.436,0.289,0,0.186,0.201,0,0.476,0.201,0,0.1,0,0,0.567,0,0            ],            false);            this.setVerticesData(BABYLON.VertexBuffer.NormalKind, [                0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1,0,0,-1            ],            false);            this.setIndices([                0,1,2,0,3,1,3,4,1,0,5,3,6,4,3,0,7,5,7,6,5,7,8,6,8,4,6,0,9,7,10,4,8            ]);            this.subMeshes = [];            new BABYLON.SubMesh(0, 0, 11, 0, 33, this);            this.computeWorldMatrix(true);        }    }}
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