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Issues with collision


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I created a scene in babylon and I seem to be having issues with the colliders I set up in blender. In my scene I have a table and a chair and I have a box which I checked the check for collision option. In addition I also added a rigid body to said box acting as the bounding box object.

The next thing I did was use the babylon sandbox to test out my scene and when the camera collides with the bounding box it "jitters" or shakes violently. I wanted to know if there was anything else I needed to to in order to get smooth collision between the camera and the bounding box? Many thanks in advance!

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It reminds me something on another game engine : BabylonJS is intended to work in meter per world unit. If you're too low or too high on that scale ( in foot, millimeters, nanometer, and so on), you might encounter collision small issues due to the relative lack of accuracy of the real time process. Don't know if that will fix your stuff, but it may help.

Otherwise, you are may be "stucked" in a collision paradox : If you're in a ramp, doing nothing, the camera will slowly goes down the ramp, following the gravity. Imagine now that you're in a multi ramp (let's say the inner faces of a upside down pyramid), you might go down one face, then, with inertia, go up the opposite face, then go don again.

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Thanks to everyone who posted. I figured out what the issue was with my collision. Basically what I needed to do in blender 3D was to remove the rigid body from my models and make sure I leave the check collision option. These are static models so they will not bounce or ricochet when the user collides with them. They are there to stop the user from going through them.  

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