kemz Posted January 5, 2015 Share Posted January 5, 2015 Is it possible to load svg file of a sprite in phaser? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bengalaa Posted January 6, 2015 Share Posted January 6, 2015 I read here: that there is no support for svg images on phaser, sorry anyway, you can draw sprites on inkscape, and export those pictures to gimp... that's what I do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kemz Posted January 7, 2015 Author Share Posted January 7, 2015 thanks . I think that's what i have to do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
benlooi Posted March 16, 2016 Share Posted March 16, 2016 Hi. A little late in the response, but you can load svg images in Phaser using the bitmapData object. bitmapData is a versatile feature that enables you to render stuff in HTML5 canvas, so technically, anything that you can draw on HTML5 canvas, you should be able to do so in Phaser too. Here's what I did: var mySprite = game.make.bitmapData(300,400) //create a bitmap data object, but not actually adding it yet to the stage You can then use ctx (context in HTML5 canvas) to draw your svg. For example, mySprite.ctx.beginPath(); So how do you get your SVG into your code? I drew an image in Inkscape, using the latest version (0.91) and there is a Save As...>HTML 5 Canvas option. Just copy and paste the generated portion to your code, and add your var name to prefix it.; ctx.transform(1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000, -188.124050, -127.935690); From Inkscape generateed HTML5 canvas // #path2985 ctx.beginPath(); // ctx.lineJoin = 'miter'; ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(40, 33, 155)'; ctx.lineCap = 'butt'; ctx.miterLimit = 4; ctx.lineWidth = 10.400000; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 230, 128)'; ctx.moveTo(217.142860, 598.076470); ctx.lineTo(297.142860, 495.219330); ctx.lineTo(297.142860, 452.362180); ctx.lineTo(254.285710, 429.505040); ctx.bezierCurveTo(170.677070, 536.339150, 190.894420, 413.272840, 211.428570, 289.505040); ctx.lineTo(268.571430, 209.505040); ctx.bezierCurveTo(325.763380, 160.357620, 378.200010, 74.752689, 457.142860, 192.362180); ctx.bezierCurveTo(466.318390, 224.115920, 481.143040, 254.457370, 431.428570, 300.933610); ctx.lineTo(474.285710, 340.933610); ctx.lineTo(425.714290, 355.219330); ctx.lineTo(422.857140, 418.076470); ctx.bezierCurveTo(384.479520, 425.449090, 354.572490, 411.645250, 331.428570, 380.933610); ctx.bezierCurveTo(348.567220, 403.797060, 338.183020, 453.659070, 382.857140, 435.219320); ctx.lineTo(431.428570, 440.933610); ctx.lineTo(428.571430, 449.505040); ctx.lineTo(408.571430, 466.647900); ctx.lineTo(374.285710, 483.790760); ctx.lineTo(420.000000, 520.933610); ctx.bezierCurveTo(420.000000, 520.933610, 517.142860, 535.219330, 522.857140, 560.933610); ctx.bezierCurveTo(528.571430, 586.647900, 551.428570, 598.076470, 551.428570, 598.076470); ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); Simply add mySprite to each of the lines.. mySprite.ctx.beginPath(); // mySprite.ctx.lineJoin = 'miter'; mySprite. ctx.strokeStyle = 'rgb(40, 33, 155)'; mySprite.ctx.lineCap = 'butt'; mySprite.ctx.miterLimit = 4; mySprite.ctx.lineWidth = 10.400000; mySprite.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 230, 128)'; mySprite.ctx.moveTo(217.142860, 598.076470); mySprite.ctx.lineTo(297.142860, 495.219330); mySprite. ctx.lineTo(297.142860, 452.362180); mySprite.ctx.lineTo(254.285710, 429.505040); etc.. Then, you can add a sprite, then either add the bitmapData mySPrite as a child, or use the cache key as the image to load for the sprite. Zaxx 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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