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Where is Typescript for BABYLON.DebugLayer?


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I wanted to see how this was done for my own purposes.  There is no separate .ts file that I can find.  Got more aggressive searching inside of every file in project.  I find it defined in babylon.2.0-alpha.debug.js lines 29280 - 29919, but not in any .ts.  DK, think you forgot to add /commit source file or change/commit to gulpfile.js





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I see a _generateDOMelements() @ line 29687, so I guess I will look elsewhere as I prefer to implement in CocoonJS.Cavnas++, not CocoonJS.Webview+.  Sprites might do. Can the image file be scaled to fit the size of the display (I am looking for ways to specify things at the beginning of the run, without using DOM).


Maybe layers, as well?

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Temechon,  Thanks!  My local copy was not up to date enough.  A fetch/merge was all that was needed.  My larger issue is not wanting to clog up my app with DOM / CSS dead weight inside the rendering process loop, just to prompt for some customization input at the beginning before the app has even "started".  Have just got an A8, iPad Air 2 for testing, but want to be able to run on older hardware too.


Still might have some recyleable parts in here, as I see a _drawingContext: CanvasRenderingContext2D member.  I know in order to use BABYLON in Canvas+, you must instance a webGL context first.  Starting to think you can also have a 2D context too.  Starting to do Canvas+ testing at a lower level than when I was just trying to get it it to inter operate.

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