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Stacking multiple Rendertargets


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I am compositing my final result from several renderbuffers. Some of them render some additional effects.


Simply rendering a scene to a texture and then displaying it works like a charm. But as soon as i add another effect on top of it strange things happen :)


The result varies from 1.14 to 2.0 but both are broken.


For 1.14 i made a bit of debugging and have a local hackfix which works for now:


In Mesh.prototype.render


           var hardwareInstancedRendering = (engine.getCaps().instancedArrays !== null) && (batch.visibleInstances[subMesh._id] !== null);
if (scene.hihi) {
hardwareInstancedRendering = false;
No idea why it is related to instancing but this fix above works :S when i set hihi = true on my effectScene i get the desired rendering :)
Any insights or even a non hacky fix? :o
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btw. for 1.4 a quick fix whgen using chrome (and that's how i found my hackfix) is to turn on the webglinspector extension. The extension seems to disable instancing support and then the result is as expected (red dot on greenish background).


A version switcher for the playground would be great :D

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