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Black particle, slow the time and physic links

The Snow Irbix

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Hello guys !

I need again a little bit of help,

I love babylonJS and his community, you are awesome guys !


Firstly, I would like to use blacks particles, but I don't know how can I do this, because it's the transparent color.


Secondly, I would like to know if it is possible to slow or speed up the time in the game, to create a "slow motion" effect.


Finally, I try to create a physic destruction, with a bullet and a wall : http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#DBETC


The goal is to remove the physic link when the force is too strong.

To do this, I thought run a fonction test collisions with all objects, but is too long, due to the big number of meshes that compose my scene.

So, is it possible to call a callback function when the physic engine detect a collision ? If it is, how ?

And how can I remove a physic link between two meshes ?


Thank you !

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