h5developer Posted December 4, 2014 Share Posted December 4, 2014 hello,everyone. I want to make a ranking list, and show only a part. When I drag in this area, it will move up and down.this ranking list should in an area, the part out of the area should be hidden. I've tried to make this ranking list a group, and set the height. I thought the items out of this height wouldn't show, butit seems to be of no effect. what can I do? thanks for any advice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lewster32 Posted December 4, 2014 Share Posted December 4, 2014 You'll probably want to use a mask: http://examples.phaser.io/_site/view_full.html?d=sprites&f=mask.js&t=mask&phaser_version=v2.2.0 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
h5developer Posted December 5, 2014 Author Share Posted December 5, 2014 thank you ! you pointed out the key ! I'm sorry to have bothered you, as I haven't read all these examples. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
h5developer Posted December 5, 2014 Author Share Posted December 5, 2014 I've realized the effect of showing a part of my list. But Phaser can't seem to drag a group natively.To achieve this effect, I wrote a lot of codes: in a state:create: function() { this.rank_list = this.add.group(); this.rank_list.x = 85; this.rank_list.y = 200; var mask = this.add.graphics(85, 200); mask.beginFill(0xffffff); mask.drawRect(0, 0, 520, 350); this.rank_list.mask = mask; this.rank_item = new Array(); this.items_mount = 6; this.rank_list.height = 100 * this.items_mount; for(var i = 0; i < this.items_mount; i++){ this.rank_item = this.add.group(this.rank_list); this.rank_item.y = 100 * i; this.rank_item.create(0, 0, 'bg_block_list'); this.rank_item.create(410, 5, 'heart_send'); this.rank_item.create(275, 15, 'user_info_icon_bg'); } this.input.onDown.add(this.startDrag, this); this.input.onUp.add(this.finishDrag, this); this.lastPosY = 0; this.deltaPosY = 0; this.drag = false;},update: function() { if(this.drag){ console.log("nowy = " + this.input.activePointer.position.y, "lasty = " + this.lastPosY); this.deltaPosY = this.input.activePointer.position.y - this.lastPosY; this.rank_list.y += this.deltaPosY; this.lastPosY = this.input.activePointer.position.y; }},startDrag: function(para_pointer) { if(para_pointer.position.x > 85 && para_pointer.position.x < 605 && para_pointer.position.y > 200 && para_pointer.position.y < 550) { this.lastPosY = para_pointer.position.y; this.drag = true; }},finishDrag: function() { this.drag = false; if(this.rank_list.y > 200) { this.add.tween(this.rank_list).to({y : 200}, 500, null, true, 0); } if(this.rank_list.y < (550 - this.rank_list.height)) { this.add.tween(this.rank_list).to({y : (550 - this.rank_list.height)}, 500, null, true, 0); }} I set variables to store last position and delta position and change group.y according to the delta position when updating.While drag end, check the group.y and tween to specified position. There are lots of similar lists in my project, I just want to know, is there an easier way? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
h5developer Posted December 8, 2014 Author Share Posted December 8, 2014 I add a move callback instead of update, and package them in a global object. so I can reuse them in my project. The global object is below; var custom_drag = { area : {x1 : 0, y1 : 0, x2 : 1080, y2 : 680}, direction : "x" , lastPos : {x : 0, y : 0}, deltaPos : {x : 0, y : 0}, canDrag : false, dragObj : null, mask: null, initial: function(x1,y1,x2,y2,direction,object) { this.area.x1 = x1; this.area.y1 = y1; this.area.x2 = x2; this.area.y2 = y2; this.direction = direction; this.dragObj = object; this.dragObj.x = x1; this.dragObj.y = y1; this.mask = game.add.graphics(x1, y1); this.mask.beginFill(0xffffff); this.mask.drawRect(0, 0, x2-x1, y2-y1); this.dragObj.mask = this.mask; }, dragCallback: function(para_pointer) { if(this.canDrag){ if(this.direction == "y") { this.deltaPos.y = para_pointer.position.y - this.lastPos.y; this.dragObj.y += this.deltaPos.y; this.lastPos.y = para_pointer.position.y; } if(this.direction == "x") { this.deltaPos.x = para_pointer.position.x - this.lastPos.x; this.dragObj.x += this.deltaPos.x; this.lastPos.x = para_pointer.position.x; } } }, startDrag: function(para_pointer) { if(para_pointer.position.x > this.area.x1 && para_pointer.position.x < this.area.x2 && para_pointer.position.y > this.area.y1 && para_pointer.position.y < this.area.y2) { if(this.direction == "y") { this.lastPos.y = para_pointer.position.y; this.canDrag = true; } if(this.direction == "x") { this.lastPos.x = para_pointer.position.x; this.canDrag = true; } } }, finishDrag: function() { this.canDrag = false; if(this.direction == "y" ) { if(this.dragObj.y > this.area.y1) { game.add.tween(this.dragObj).to({y : this.area.y1}, 500, null, true, 0); } if(this.dragObj.y < (this.area.y2 - this.dragObj.height)) { game.add.tween(this.dragObj).to({y : (this.area.y2 - this.dragObj.height)}, 500, null, true, 0); } } if(this.direction == "x" ) { if(this.dragObj.x > this.area.x1) { game.add.tween(this.dragObj).to({x : this.area.x1}, 500, null, true, 0); } if(this.dragObj.x < (this.area.x2 - this.dragObj.width)) { game.add.tween(this.dragObj).to({x : (this.area.x2 - this.dragObj.width)}, 500, null, true, 0); } } }}; Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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