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New shorthand Vector3


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I do not know to use GitHub. :ph34r:  but I would like to propose new Vector3 shortened to supplement existing ones is Zero and Up.
Would you explain quickly Deltakosh  pull requests on GitHub.

Vector3.Back= function (mesh, speed, gravity) {            if(speed === null) speed = 8;            if(gravity === null) gravity = -0.15;            var back = new BABYLON.Vector3(parseFloat(Math.sin(mesh.rotation.y)) / speed, gravity, parseFloat(Math.cos(mesh.rotation.y)) / speed);            return back.negate();};Vector3.Down = function () {             return new Vector3(0, -1.0, 0);};Vector3.Forward = function (mesh, speed, gravity) {            if(speed === null) speed = 8;            if(gravity === null) gravity = -0.15;            return new BABYLON.Vector3(parseFloat(Math.sin(mesh.rotation.y)) / speed, gravity, parseFloat(Math.cos(mesh.rotation.y)) / speed);};Vector3.Left = function () {             return new Vector3(-1.0, 0, 0);}; Vector3.One = function () {             return new Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);};Vector3.Right = function () {             return new Vector3(1, 0, 0);};// ExistVector3.Zero = function (){ ......

 [code edite]



Edited by dad72
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Code that uses the result of these functions is going to have to take into account that the object may not be oriented facing forward on all axises.  I am doing POV movement & rotation of MORPH.Mesh objects, where you have no need to know.  May be just a style preference.


If doing it this way, it might be more useful to have an amount argument.

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There are already 2 done in the same way, I only complements here. I think it would be helpful

Vector3.Zero = function () {            return new Vector3(0, 0, 0);        };        Vector3.Up = function () {            return new Vector3(0, 1.0, 0);        };


meshPlayer.moveWithCollisions(new BABYLON.Vector3.Forward());


meshPlayer.moveWithCollisions(new BABYLON.Vector3.Back());


Vector3.Up exists, why not Down ...

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Ok multipling is equivalent to an amount argument.  Could not taking its orientation into account mean your example would not actually go forward, as it is oriented?  I looked at the code for this, and have say I do not know what Mesh.ellipsoid is.  There is almost no code comments.  Does ellipsoid solve this?

        public moveWithCollisions(velocity: Vector3): void {            var globalPosition = this.getAbsolutePosition();            globalPosition.subtractFromFloatsToRef(0, this.ellipsoid.y, 0, this._oldPositionForCollisions);            this._oldPositionForCollisions.addInPlace(this.ellipsoidOffset);            this._collider.radius = this.ellipsoid;            this.getScene()._getNewPosition(this._oldPositionForCollisions, velocity, this._collider, 3, this._newPositionForCollisions, this);            this._newPositionForCollisions.subtractToRef(this._oldPositionForCollisions, this._diffPositionForCollisions);            if (this._diffPositionForCollisions.length() > Engine.CollisionsEpsilon) {                this.position.addInPlace(this._diffPositionForCollisions);            }        }
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In complete you will have reasons, but if we do like this, it always works the front.

Vector3.Forward = function (mesh, speed, gravity) {            if(speed === null) speed = 8;            if(gravity === null) gravity = -0.15;            return new BABYLON.Vector3(parseFloat(Math.sin(mesh.rotation.y)) / speed, gravity, parseFloat(Math.cos(mesh.rotation.y)) / speed);};
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Your expanded example works for y axis rotation.  I was doing all-axis.  If you saw the flying table-cloth sample I did  https://googledrive.com/host/0B6-s6ZjHyEwUdHp3a3pJdlgwS0U, it did climbed a little as it moved forward, so Forward took into account more than y-rotation.  It also tilted right, which also affected "Forward".


For most, y axis only will be fine.  Here is my typescript:

        // ================================== Point of View Movement =================================        /**         * When the mesh is defined facing forward, multipliers must be set so that movePOV() is          * from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.         * @param {boolean} definedFacingForward - True is the default         */        public setDefinedFacingForward(definedFacingForward : boolean) : void {            this._definedFacingForward = definedFacingForward;        }                /**         * Perform relative position change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.         * This is performed taking into account the meshes current rotation, so you do not have to care.         * Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.         * @param {number} amountRight         * @param {number} amountUp         * @param {number} amountForward         */        public movePOV(amountRight : number, amountUp : number, amountForward : number) : void {            this.position.addInPlace(this.calcMovePOV(amountRight, amountUp, amountForward));        }                /**         * Calculate relative position change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.         * This is performed taking into account the meshes current rotation, so you do not have to care.         * Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.         * @param {number} amountRight         * @param {number} amountUp         * @param {number} amountForward         */        public calcMovePOV(amountRight : number, amountUp : number, amountForward : number) : BABYLON.Vector3 {            var rotMatrix = new BABYLON.Matrix();            var rotQuaternion = (this.rotationQuaternion) ? this.rotationQuaternion : BABYLON.Quaternion.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z);            rotQuaternion.toRotationMatrix(rotMatrix);                        var translationDelta = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero();            var defForwardMult = this._definedFacingForward ? -1 : 1;            BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinatesFromFloatsToRef(amountRight * defForwardMult, amountUp, amountForward * defForwardMult, rotMatrix, translationDelta);            return translationDelta;        }        // ================================== Point of View Rotation =================================        /**         * Perform relative rotation change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.         * Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.         * @param {number} flipBack         * @param {number} twirlClockwise         * @param {number} tiltRight         */        public rotatePOV(flipBack : number, twirlClockwise : number, tiltRight : number) : void {            this.rotation.addInPlace(this.calcRotatePOV(flipBack, twirlClockwise, tiltRight));        }                /**         * Calculate relative rotation change from the point of view of behind the front of the mesh.         * Supports definition of mesh facing forward or backward.         * @param {number} flipBack         * @param {number} twirlClockwise         * @param {number} tiltRight         */        public calcRotatePOV(flipBack : number, twirlClockwise : number, tiltRight : number) : BABYLON.Vector3 {            var defForwardMult = this._definedFacingForward ? 1 : -1;            return new BABYLON.Vector3(flipBack * defForwardMult, twirlClockwise, tiltRight * defForwardMult);        }
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