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Phaser 2.2.0 Release Candidate 11 - Please Test!


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@valueerror - pixi issue, nothing I can do about it yet, will keep an eye out for their updates.


@Sam - nothing I can do about WebGL speed on your set-up. It is what it is and utterly dictated by changes in Pixi. No-one else is reporting dropped collisions any longer so I'm striking this one off as something wrong with your set-up unless more people can confirm it.

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yeah I think you were right, I have to check my code.
Meanwhile I have done some tests with collision on very fast velocity etc.

As far as I got - collision works at 62 FPS with a hell of speed ( velocity 4000 ) - more than needed. (incredible)


I will keep you updated if I found anything, but I think that this has to be done on my side, no phaser problem.




setDesiredFPS: since you set this, collision does not work ever more. I think this is done to deliver stable FPS.

But to neglect the collision themes not to be in the interest of most games? Or am I wrong?

Edited by Sam
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I still have issues with particles and RC7. I took some effort but I managed to narrow it down to be a problem when bounds is changed with setBounds to a higher y-value than 0, and that it seems to occur randomly.


Basic example without setBounds working with RC7: http://niklasberg.se/entityExplode/index.html


Modified example with game.height halved and bounds set to lower part of screen working fine with 2.1.1: http://niklasberg.se/entityExplode/indexBounds.html

Same as last one broken by shifting to RC7: http://niklasberg.se/entityExplode/index-2.2.0-rc.html


As you can see by the last example, even if all entities and thus emitters is created at the bottom of the screen stuff will fall from above occasionally. This seems to happen randomly. I log the y value in the console where the emitter will be created and it's constant.

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Making no changes to my Phaser 2.1 game and swapping in 2.2, things seem alright for the most part. 

Two issues I haven't had the time to dig into yet: 

1. Certain particle effects are still running just fine, but some that I trigger on collision aren't happening - no errors in console.


2. Collisions in Firefox result in major frame rate drop - which gets progressively worse with each collision. When I was using 2.1 - the game was running just fine for me in Firefox.

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Is Time.elapsed still accurate? I'm trying to mess around with a deltaTime implementation (like Unity's) so I can get consistent speeds regardless of fps, but changing the desiredFps causes the character to move at different speeds - you can see it really clearly if you try a desiredFps of 60, then 120. They both run at the same refresh but the character is much faster at 120 fps.




Also, just as a side note, the fps counter isn't working correctly either - says 60 regardless; intended?

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Is Time.elapsed still accurate? I'm trying to mess around with a deltaTime implementation (like Unity's) so I can get consistent speeds regardless of fps, but changing the desiredFps causes the character to move at different speeds - you can see it really clearly if you try a desiredFps of 60, then 120. They both run at the same refresh but the character is much faster at 120 fps.




Also, just as a side note, the fps counter isn't working correctly either - says 60 regardless; intended?


The changes we've made are exactly that - to provide a constant speed regardless of actual device frame rate. Think of desiredFps as the speed you want your game to run at, so doubling it should absolutely double the speed of objects as it's your games desired speed (not the browser update speed). I may consider renaming it actually (gameFrameRate perhaps)


Time.elapsed will now vary depending on raf or settimeout, raf values are often massive and floating point to boot. If you want a ms value for local calculations use Time.time.

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i also had problems with tweens yesterday...  several connected to().to() statements do not work..  only the last one seems to be executed.



I am having issues related to chained tweens as well in the 2.2 RC8 release.


I have something similar to this in my game, which currently appears to do nothing with the 2.2 RC8. But as (valueerror) stated it seems that only the last chained tween starts, although I didn't see any change with how the Tween class/prototype loops through any stored properties from 2.1 to 2.2 inside the `start()`.

game.add.tween(this.sprite.scale).to({x: 1.5, y: 1.5}, 250).to({x: 1, y: 1}, 50).start();

I even tried the following (auto-starting the first tween):

Same result.

game.add.tween(this.sprite.scale).to({x: 1.5, y: 1.5}, 250, null, true).to({x: 1, y: 1}, 50).start();

Is there a new method of chaining tween's together in 2.2?  Or has it always been best practice to use the `chain()` method to manually chain together the tweens together?

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I get this error whenever I add  graphics:


TypeError: undefined is not a function phaser.js:9465b.CanvasGraphics.renderGraphics phaser.js:9465PIXI.Graphics._renderCanvas phaser.js:16545b.DisplayObjectContainer._renderCanvas phaser.js:1948b.DisplayObjectContainer._renderCanvas phaser.js:1948b.DisplayObjectContainer._renderCanvas phaser.js:1948b.CanvasRenderer.renderDisplayObject phaser.js:9229b.CanvasRenderer.render

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Just migrated my game to the new RC10-Tweens. Everything seems to work - well done :).

Just one wish: It would be nice if you could also provide a onChildStart like there is a onChildComplete.


Looks like the new Tweens are way more smoother - like it!


Update to the older Tweens:

In my case the older Tweens also didnt worked for me, when i chained them calling "to" multiple times.

I had to use "chain" instead and everything was working again.

looks like the "to"-method returned this instead of the new generated tween.

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Yeah Tweens have undergone a decent revamp this week. When you use Tween.to it no longer creates yet another tween and chains them, it just creates a child-tween (a new TweenData object) and adds it to the current sequence. Hence why what it returns is still just the original Tween object, not the child. I know this is going to break some games how had coded around the bugs in the previous way Tweens work, but it's for the better imho.


I'm having great fun with the new Tween.timeScale property too :)


I found a bug in from Tweens where they don't set the target object properties when it should (it currently does it post-delay, it should be pre-delay) but otherwise it feels nice and solid. I think a onChildStart is a good idea.


I'll make a proper "tween" post after some more testing.

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Unfortunately I am running into a lot of problems with the newest RC (8)... granted I'm upgrading from 2.1


Small issues: 

  1. ScaleManager.NO_SCALE only works as expected if you provide no minWidth, maxWidth, height etc.
  2. PIXI.graphics seems to be broken. drawCircle and drawEllipse no longer draw anything, and drawRoundedRect throws an exception (triangles is null) - it appears that drawCircle and drawEllipse use diameter now instead of radius

Big Issues:


  1. TileMap is not working correctly. Culling seems to be broken. On Chrome and Firefox I get missing tiles at the bottom as I drag:



And in Safari (desktop and mobile) it is even worse: 



2. I have a tilesprite that uses a spritesheet with animations and the animations do not play.

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The Tilemap one is interesting - would you mind sharing the map data + png? I've tested all the tilemap examples we've got and they work, but it looks like something is up.


I'm somewhat at the mercy of Pixi Graphics issues I'm afraid, although there are even more fixes merged into Phaser dev now (more than RC8 had).


I'll test the animated tilesprite now though.

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Actually re: I have a tilesprite that uses a spritesheet with animations and the animations do not play.


This does not work in Phaser 2.1.3 either:

this.load.spritesheet('waters', 'waters.png', 32, 400, 32);var v = {];v.water = state.add.tileSprite(0, 24 * 16, 128 * 16, 24 * 16, 'waters');v.water.animations.add('waves0', [0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1]);v.water.animations.add('waves1', [4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5]);v.water.animations.add('waves2', [8, 9, 10, 11, 10, 9]);v.water.animations.add('waves3', [12, 13, 14, 15, 14, 13]);v.water.animations.add('waves4', [16, 17, 18, 19, 18, 17]);v.water.animations.add('waves5', [20, 21, 22, 23, 22, 21]);v.water.animations.add('waves6', [24, 25, 26, 27, 26, 25]);v.water.animations.add('waves7', [28, 29, 30, 31, 30, 29]);var n = 3; // change to animation numv.water.animations.play('waves' + n, 8, true);




The water should appear to ripple and changing the value n should change the color

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