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FightMagicRun #3 Aug 2 - Aug 4

Evan Burchard

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Rev up your game engines.  The 3rd FiMaRu battle is starting August 2nd.  In the first two battles, we saw entries with Construct2, GameMaker, Easel, and Metrix.js.  All dev methods are welcome as long it results in HTML5.  As far as types of games, we've seen 3d flight simulators, runners, matching games, platformers, and so on.


For those who haven't been part of a contest yet, these are the games that have entered so far if you want an idea of what we usually see:




Both winners of the $100 prize have been from this forum, so you're in good company if you decide to participate.


Feel free to hit reply if you have any questions about FiMaRu #3. 

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I suppose if i can think of a good game idea then I find the theme  inspiring. lol


I just couldn't think of anything good for feather. You don't know how close I was to just having another button mashing game. This time tap as fast as you can to tickle someone's feet with a feather. haha


But I am very limited in what I can make. I don't use any game making software and my maths skills are seriously lacking.

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The signup is not contest specific until I make some changes.  If you have already registered for a previous contest, then you are accounted for.  If not, please let me know.


Anyone who hasn't registered, go for it here.  If you've signed up before and have received FiMaRu emails in the past, then you don't need to do anything special in order to register.


BTW: The theme is live, and the battle is on: http://fightmagicrun.com/current


Good luck everyone!

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Random maze generation algorithm using depth first search, thought it might be useful to some other people.

function maze(x,y) {	var n=x*y-1;	if (n<0) {alert("illegal maze dimensions");return;}	var horiz=[]; for (var j= 0; j<x+1; j++) horiz[j]= [];	var verti=[]; for (var j= 0; j<y+1; j++) verti[j]= [];	var here= [Math.floor(Math.random()*x), Math.floor(Math.random()*y)];	var path= [here];	var unvisited= [];	for (var j= 0; j<x+2; j++) {		unvisited[j]= [];		for (var k= 0; k<y+1; k++)			unvisited[j].push(j>0 && j<x+1 && k>0 && (j != here[0]+1 || k != here[1]+1));	}	while (0<n) {		var potential= [[here[0]+1, here[1]], [here[0],here[1]+1],		    [here[0]-1, here[1]], [here[0],here[1]-1]];		var neighbors= [];		for (var j= 0; j < 4; j++)			if (unvisited[potential[j][0]+1][potential[j][1]+1])				neighbors.push(potential[j]);		if (neighbors.length) {			n= n-1;			next= neighbors[Math.floor(Math.random()*neighbors.length)];			unvisited[next[0]+1][next[1]+1]= false;			if (next[0] == here[0])				horiz[next[0]][(next[1]+here[1]-1)/2]= true;			else 				verti[(next[0]+here[0]-1)/2][next[1]]= true;			path.push(here= next);		} else 			here= path.pop();	}	return ({x: x, y: y, horiz: horiz, verti: verti});}

Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maze_generation_algorithm Wikipedia <3


Also super stoked for this competition its gonna be a good one!

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I keep putting my email in and never get a reply. What am I doing wrong?

Never mind, I just got the reply. This could be good for prototyping my next game, it is somewhat related to the theme. I'll try to do something but i doubt it much.

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Thanks, although I must say I'm not quite satisfied with the design. It lacks options for strategy play, and heavily based on luck (if you're randomly placed near the exit).


Yours btw, has a really spot-on and brilliant game design :). You could try adjusting the dimension to fit mobile devices.

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