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Problem FrameRate on Android


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I created a game for the mobile. I go on the site from my windows phone and the game goes perfect on Android (Internet standard) the game has 10 fps, how can I fix it? Using Cocoon js? What should I do? I have created 6 files (js): 

boot.js - load.js - menu.js -play.js - lose.js - game.js 


PS: If I use google chrome on android the game goes to 16 fps and the audio works (use ogg, wav and mp3) 


For the display:

      this.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;

      this.scale.pageAlignVertically = true;




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I removed the counter. On samsung galaxy s3 the game goes very slow, I want a fluid design. Also happens that sometimes the objects are rotated only (only Internet Android)
For example, what happened to me in the game over screen, I saw the whole angle of 30 degrees

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