I want to achieve a repeated texture effect something like this:
In plain OpenGL you can set the texture wrap to GL_REPEAT and multiply the UV's by a factor and your are done.
In Pixi i've tried PIXI.extras.TilingSprite (with hundreds of objects) but this seems to be very slow on my MacBook.
So i thought it would be possible by simply changing the UVs and set the texture wrap mode to repeat but this does not work:
let resources = PIXI.loader.resources;
let tex = resources[item.texture].texture;
//texture size is 128x128
let texRectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, 256, 256);
tex.frame = texRectangle;
let pixiItem = new Sprite(tex);
//using this instead I have a FPS drop from 60fps to 5fps
let pixiItem = new PIXI.extras.TilingSprite(tex);
With a little research I found this:
It seems that texture coordinates are now based on UINT16. So a float based scale would not be possible
Any hints on this?