Hello forum, I am trying to make a grid of DisplayObjectContainers, so I am sorting elements depending on the width and height of each one. I add a Sprite in a container and the problem is when I add a Graphics element of the same size inside the container, the width and height changes. I narrowed the problem here : var cont = new PIXI.DisplayObjectContainer();stage.addChild(cont);var convx = new PIXI.Sprite.fromImage('assets/img.png');//>>>>>>> image is 289x333cont.addChild(convx);var msk = new PIXI.Graphics();msk.beginFill(0x123456,0.5);msk.drawRect(0,0,convx.width,convx.height/2); //>>>>>>> line above makes cont.width and height 309x343 (???)msk.drawRect(10,0,convx.width-20,convx.height/2-10); //>>>>>>> line above makes cont.width and height = is 289x333 (same as the image)cont.addChild(msk);So why does the width and height changes when I draw a Rectangle of the same size in the same container ? Do you have the same problem ? Thank you