Hello all, I am a beginner with "Phaser" and I am trying to configure WebStorm 7.0. I am using the internal web server of Webstorm that works well on others projects. I am able to run the first project "hello phaser" that works well. I have a problem with all the others examples, the menu of all the examples works well (phaser/examples/indes.html), I can see the menu with all the buttons. But when I try to launch a file (invader for example) I have this error in the console of WebStorm GET http://localhost:63342/__corsProxy__/331/aHR0cDovL2xvY2FsaG9zdDo2MzM0Mi9waGFzZXIvZXhhbXBsZXMvZ2FtZXMvaW52YWRlcnMuanM/Xz0xMzg2OTU0OTk2MDAy 500 (Internal Server Error) Xz0xMzg2OTU0OTk2MDAy You can see that I can not access the demo file. Have you an idea ? Thanks a lot