Hello. guys. Reading this tutorial I noticed that bitmatText can be included into setTexturePriority array:
var enabled = this.game.renderer.setTexturePriority(['boat', 'skier', 'pole', 'rock', 'shark', 'sea', 'waves']);
if (enabled.length < this.game.renderer.maxTextures)
// Enable for the BitmapFont
this.game.cache.getBitmapFont('fat-and-tiny').base.textureIndex = enabled.length + 1;
Can I do the same using simple text?
Text is created sth like
var myTextStyle = { font: "32px Century Gothic", fill: "#fff", boundsAlignH: "center", boundsAlignV: "middle", align: "center" };
var myText = game.add.text(0, 0, "Just text example...", myTextStyle);
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance.