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I am new to Phaser and I am currently working on my first game. I'm am creating a vertical scroller and have come across some performance issues on mobile. I have a 1024x4608 background with some 'land' that needs collision detection with the 'player' and the 'enemies' in the game. I've been trying a couple approaches but can't seem to find the sweet spot with the performance. I was hoping someone would have some suggestions. Here's what I've tried so far: 1) Tilemap this.load.tilemap('level01_map', 'assets/level01_map.json', null, Phaser.Tilemap.TILED_JSON);this.load.image('tiles', 'assets/tiles.png'); = this.add.tilemap('level01_map');'main', 'tiles');'land');, 0,,;[], true, 'land');var bodyObjects = this.physics.p2.convertTilemap(, 'land');for(var i = 0; i < bodyObjects.length; i++) { bodyObjects[i].setCollisionGroup(this.gameGroups.landCG); bodyObjects[i].collides(this.gameGroups.playerCG); bodyObjects[i].collides(this.gameGroups.enemyCG);} 2) Sprite with polygons this.load.image('level01', 'assets/level01.png');this.load.physics('level01_physics', 'assets/level01.json');, 0, 1024, 4608); = this.add.sprite(0, 0, 'level01'); = 1024; = 4608;var polygonCollisionSprite = this.add.sprite(15, 15);this.physics.p2.enableBody(polygonCollisionSprite, true);polygonCollisionSprite.fixedRotation = true;polygonCollisionSprite.body.motionState = Phaser.Physics.P2.Body.STATIC;polygonCollisionSprite.body.clearShapes();polygonCollisionSprite.body.loadPolygon('level01_physics', 'level01_left');polygonCollisionSprite.body.loadPolygon('level01_physics', 'level01_right');polygonCollisionSprite.body.setCollisionGroup(this.gameGroups.landCG);polygonCollisionSprite.body.collides(this.gameGroups.playerCG);polygonCollisionSprite.body.collides(this.gameGroups.enemyCG); And here are my results testing on an iPhone 5:Tilemap no collisions = 45fps Tilemap with collisions = 20fps Sprite/polygons no collisions = 45fps evens out to 60fps when less polygons in view Sprite/polygons with collisions = 8fps Sprite/polygons (simple) no collisions = 60fps Sprite/polygons (simple) with collisions = 30fps Note: simple means I reduced the vertices in the polygons. (Simple = 6 shapes, Normal = 44 shapes) The game is setup with 1024x640 in Phaser.CANVAS mode. Also, the all sprite assets, except the stuff for the background, are being load via one atlas texture. Any thoughts?