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Found 22 results

  1. I just wanted to share this tool to help with designing/styling web font text for Phaser 3. https://ourcade.co/tools/phaser3-text-styler You can adjust various TextStyle properties and see the result rendered in real-time in a Phaser Scene. When it looks good you can just copy the code as needed. Iterating on text styles can be quite slow when you need to reload after each change or go back and forth between the docs and your code. This should help speed that up! There's a built-in color picker, Google Font search, light vs dark background toggle, and more. ?
  2. Hello guys, I was really used to using GdxTexturePacker, when I started programming with Phaser, I really missed it, so I made some jar cross-platform executable (Already tested on Linux and Windows) for converting .atlas file to .json format, like the used for Phaser (Already tested), if someone wants it, I made the repository public and open source https://github.com/MrcSnm/GdxPackerToJSON
  3. hi.. I wanna create game tool to create scene. it will be control like spine, sound, event, filter can you recommand UI library to create HTML5 GAME TOOL? thx a lot..
  4. Hi everyone. I wanted to see if there was a good tool for creating bitmap fonts for games. One that can get an image created in Photoshop or Illustrator of a custom stylized font character set and create a sprite based bitmap font. I've used Shoebox for a long time, but it hasn't been updated for a few years and it's made in Adobe Air. Is there a more modern and better alternative that doesn't rely on Adobe Air? I've seen other tools that takes windows fonts and let's you create limited styling on them, but that's not what I'm looking for. Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Hello Everyone, I want to share with you my latest pet project, it is a tool to extract images from a spritesheet, it's called SpriteSplitter, all informations are in the github : https://github.com/bmarwane/spriteSplitter . I don't know if i can put links to binaries on the forum but you will find in the repo page some pre compiled ones plus instructions on how to run the project yourself. Instructions : Open the App and load a sprite Make sure that the top left pixel on your image represent an empty area, for example if the space between the frames in a sprite sheet is transparent, the top left sprite neet to be transparent, i will make this configurable some day, but feel free to fork the project and do it if you want. Select frames Save on Disk Here is a screen capture of the app, the selected frames are overlayed with an ugly red ( will definitely change the color ) I created this tool mainly as a learning experience, and also because the only tool that i know that do this is on windows ( see ASU ). SpriteSplitter was created using ElectronJS, so the app is multi plateform, but i tested it only on mac and Linux, can any of you guys confirm to me that it's working on windows ? That's all folk, what do you think ? Thank you.
  6. Hi all, I would like to share here a simple python app I'm coding: PicPacker. It's -or will be someday- somehow similar to TexturePacker. It takes same sized images, processes them and yield, as you all has supposed, a single image containing all the others. Also if you specify it you can generate a json to index all images. If you like be my guess and try it, at least for testing purposes ☺️
  7. Hi everyoneIs there a tool to generate a live preview of the Matrix PIXI.I'm talking about being able to preview live the transformation of a sprite, and get the code.I find it very long and hard to do a lot of rending testing each faith to search the good behavior.It would be really great if someone could make a small live generation tool. (HTML) i made a sample on PS To help understand my need. I hope this overview helps to understand. Ideally, it be something similar to this awesome tools by Karl Matt (bigtimebuddy) https://pixijs.github.io/pixi-text-style/# I would be very happy if a similar tool would exist. thank
  8. EDIT: TANKS TO :Jammy EDITOR: http://pixitools.jamdonut.com/ TANKS TO :bigtimebuddy FROM http://mattkarl.com/ EDITOR: https://pixijs.github.io/pixi-text-style/# SOURCE: https://github.com/pixijs/pixi-text-style ___________________________________________________________ hi !, is there a pixi.text generator for the style. Because I find it very long to try different configuration styles without preview. similar as pixi-particles but for the text style ? http://pixijs.github.io/pixi-particles-editor/ thank a lot for help
  9. Hey everyone, I'm one of the developers of Curve Fever which is a multiplayer snake game. Due to a complete redesign and performance/loading issues we plan to remake the game with HTML5 canvas. We've already done a little bit of research but I'm already noticing there are hundreds of options for everything. Reading through each option would first of all take a lot of time and secondly it's always advertised better than it is and it leaves out the downsides. I'm looking for some general advice and some advice on frameworks and tools to use. I have a few concerns and requirements listed below along with the information about our current project/setup. About the project The current game is made in Unity and exported to WebGL. However, 20% of the users are unable to load the game and 25% of the users that can load the game has FPS below 40. This is too high and we've had several talks with the developers that work on WebGL in Unity but they say that it's unlikely that it's gonna have massive improvements. Totally understandable because Unity is a massive engine and WebGL is mostly used for demos and such and not full games. Our game is a 2D topdown multiplayer snake game played by milions of users. The servers are custom made with Go(lang) and the communication is done with websockets using Protobuf messages. Most of the game is actually UI for things like chat, friends, shop, lobby, profile, popups and so on. Requirements These are the main requirements we have for our new setup. Exportable for standalone (Windows, MacOS and Linux) - Preferably with generic API's for native things. Exportable for Android and iOS - Preferably with generic API's for native things. Exportable for web portals and Facebook. Being able to run the game locally on Windows, MacOS & Linux. Great workflow for quick development and design. Structured code base (Typescript?) Easy for designers to create UI elements and such. Easy to create UI animations. (or animations in general) Rapid prototyping. Quick load times Good performance on multiple devices. Some kind of versioning would be great. It's also quite important that it's open source. Specific questions Here are some specific questions we have currently. We're mostly just looking for general advice on what to use and what not to use with the requirements we have. Is there something like Electron that also exports to mobile or do we have to use two services? Is it correct that it's best to create UI in the dom? If so, how well will it work with services that export the game? Since most of our game is UI would it be wiser to not use a game engine like Phaser? To give some more context, basically all we have to do in the game is render curves (lines) on the field. The curves will have to be erased too because of client side prediction (multiplayer networking). Is there something that lets us create UI elements easily with animations and such like it's done in Unity? I know that a lot can be done with HTML, CSS and JS but not all game designers may be experts with this and it'd be much easier if there was some sort of software where designers can design the game in. How good are the profilers/debuggers in the available engines? Or do people often only use the browser profiler/debugger? Just putting this here for people that only read these questions. What are some good practices and workflows. Would be great to hear what stack of tools and libraries etc people use and why.
  10. Hi, This is something that many of you are requesting for a while: an auto-completion plugin for Sublime Text. Checkout it: https://github.com/boniatillo-com/PhaserSublimePackage It was tested on Sublime Text 2 and 3, I just released it so if you have any issue put a comment here or open an issue in github. This is something nice to do while we wait for the next Phaser release to deliver a Phaser Editor update ;-) Remember Phaser Editor is a very nice complement to Sublime Text. Have fun coding!
  11. (Made with love from Africa. Now, whether you buy or not, have a good day!) You can get this amazing little plugin on Gumroad for $10. Out of Kontrol - the Phaser Plugin that's actually in control of your controls. What is this? Out of Kontrol (OoK) is a key/input mapper. In other words, it allows you to have different input methods do the same thing. It cuts down on code verbosity and makes your code look neater. So yea,... that's nice too. Why do I need this? Want the WASD keys, arrow keys, and your custom placed buttons to control movement, then OoK is for you. Want to easily allow users to change the controls that you spent hours setting and testing, then OoK is for you!! Included: Minified version of Out of Kontrol. Phaser 2.6.2 + Out of Kontrol (minified) No source code :'( Manual A Basic example of all the functions found in OoK in action Developer love lol. No seriously, under all that minified and unobfuscated code is a lot of love from a dev to a dev. Alert!! We Need You!! OK, more like we need your feedback! Here's how you can help: Tell us about any issues/bugs on our issues page on GitHub. (Did you the favour of removing the source code, you can thank me later) Vote for new features on the same issues page! Also add your email to my newsletter. My emails don't bite (Disclaimer: if the email does end up biting you, I cannot be blamed). Bye!!
  12. Hi! We just released a new Phaser Editor version (1.3.0) Updated to the latest Eclipse version (Neon.1): Performance improvements and much more. Eclipse Marketplace Client: to install third party plugins, like EGit. We are evaluating the typescript plugins developed by the Eclipse community. Automatic Updates: all components of the editor will be updated automatically, including the latest Phaser official version (no Phaser CE support for now) Improved JS Editor: small changes in the JS type inference engine that results in a much better content assist (yet not *perfect*) Bug fixing, performance improvements and *minor* features in the scene editor, asset pack, local HTTP server, project templates and chains. New learning content: we wrote a tutorial in the GameDevAcademy blog, about how to make a platformer game with the visual scene editor. Read more in the release notes For the next release we plan to focus on: Do a research of the available Typescript plugins and write a tutorial about how to install them. Start with the implementation of the P2 Physics tools for the visual level editor. Support Phaser v3 if it is released in the next 3 months. See you soon! Arian (Scene editor: Added two new parameters to the Animations editor) (Scene editor: recovery from missing assets) (Check for Updates) (Eclipse Marketplace)
  13. What is the best tool for mac to handle sprite sheets ? I need one that i am able to replace sprites of a spritesheet easily... Does not matter if its paid or free...Thanks in advance.
  14. Hello! Not sure is it right place for stuff like this.. anyway, I just want to share my own small project: http://kurzgame.github.io/FastPixel/ It's an API written on pure JavaScript that should help you create awesome pixel art tool! You may be ask: "Another one?!". - Not exactly. Yes, there are lot of amazing online pixel art tools, but I was surprised that no one of them can be launched at mobile devices! In same time, it's not another one, this is API! So (I repeat myself), you can make your own pixel-art tool and this time it can be absolutely portable! Please, write your thoughts if you find this interesting or strange or whatever... Thank you!
  15. Do you guys have any tool that you use to design animated UI ? or do you just animate them manually through code ?
  16. Hi, Phaser Chains was updated to support the last Phaser release (v2.4.7). The plugins for IntelliJ and Eclipse was deprecated. Yet you can embed Chains as a web view on them. The plugin for Brackets was updated. And we migrated from bitbucket to github. Test it online. Regards, Arian.
  17. Hello all, I am the dev of the Creature Animation Tool ( http://creature.kestrelmoon.com/ ) Today I checked in a change to the Creature Phaser WebGL runtimes to enable the loading of our new FlatBuffer Binary File format. This allows you to pick between either current JSON format (which is useful for debugging) or the faster and more compact binary FlatBuffer representation. The docs on how to use the new file format have been updated: http://www.kestrelmoon.com/creaturedocs/Game_Engine_Runtimes_And_Integration/Phaser_Runtimes%20.html The new runtimes are here: https://github.com/kestrelm/Creature_WebGL The conversion toolchain to generate the binary file is also on github here: https://github.com/kestrelm/CreatureTools To see a Phaser WebGL demo of an authored Creature Animation, please take a look here: http://www.kestrelmoon.com/creature/demo_ice_demon.html Here is another Phaser WebGL demo of a walking Pheasant: http://www.kestrelmoon.com/creature/demo_pheasant.html Here is the new 2016 trailer for Creature: Cheers
  18. tl;dr: Do you know any automated tool with which it is possible to decrypt / reverse engineer / find tiles in a tileset based on an existing game's level images? So, given: 1) a tileset, with relatively lot, 16x16 tiles, and 2) enormous level images (with the same resolution) built with these 16x16 tile blocks once. Is it possible to automate the matching of single 16x16 tiny tiles to get a full level map from the big image somehow? As far as i know state of image recognition this is a fairly straightforward task. Are there any solutions already?
  19. Hey , this is a verry early stage of a little pythonscript to make the work with Babylon a little bit faster. Its a CLI wich makes it easy to create a bisc proejct structure ( including a simple webserver ), add basic shapes, include .babylon files and add a prototype class for more complex objects. https://github.com/steffenkre/babylonbackbone Here are the parameters: new <name> creates a new project newclass <name> creates a new prototype class in man.js newplane <name> creates a simple plane in middle of the scene newcube <name> creates a simple plane in middle of the scene newmesh <name> imports a new .babylon mesh from the assets Folder What do you think about it? Whats missing?
  20. I just published a quick post on my blog about some of my favorite free tools. Here is the link: FREE Handy Tools For Game Developers Hope you guys like it!
  21. Hi guys! We're pitching a new tool to build HTML5 apps/game via cloud. It's as simple as some build tools like CocoonJS of Ludei, or AppMobi of IntelXDK, but no watermark or splash will be added in your game like other services. [How it woks] - Go to our site, register one developer account. - Set app info: name, package name, version, screen orientation... - Upload your HTML5 zip file, icon, splash image... - Integrate Admob, Chartboost, Google Analytics... with your own IDs - Choose wrapper technology like Crosswalk or Cordova or Android Webview... - Android-only right now [Pricing] - We just only charge for unique package name one-time at all with very low price (~1$). - It means you can build unlimited times with a package name. If you have interested with our tool, please contact me via email: [email protected], I'll give you the link of beta test version, it's FREE! Thank you!
  22. I use Graphicsgale for creating pixel art. It has many cool features, but that one, that is missing for me, is object selection. Everyone, who have used flash, will understand - after drawing a simple object, like ball or more complex character, after conveting it to symbol or movieclip, whenever you click at this image, you can drag and edit it, cause it's properties are saved in memory. Is it possible to save object like this in graphicsgale or another bitmap graphics tool(free, paid)? Cause it takes much time to select area of object each time, when working with 2 or more on the scene. I'm looking for something like quick selection tool, but better are saved objects - for bitmap graphics!
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