I'd used game.time.events.repeat() to let a line of dialog come on screen char by char and if the user presses the action button I will force the user to see the full line and only after an additional click the next line should be shown. Now I wonder how to stop the timer as it will run even if I force the end of the line, as it will run into an error. The code below shows up a TypeError and I can't figure out why... Any advice here? I've also tried *.stop(true), but it will also throw a TypeError. Dialog.prototype.nextLine = function () { if (this.isEndOfLine) { this.currentLine++; this.isEndOfLine = false; if (this.currentLine < this.dialogLines.length) { this.speaker.text = this.dialogLines[this.currentLine].speaker; this.spokenText.text = ''; this.timer = this.game.time.events.repeat(this.dialogSpeed, this.dialogLines[this.currentLine].speakerText.length + 1, this.updateLine, this); } else { this.closeDialog(); } } else { this.timer.destroy(); this.forceLineEnd(); }};