Hi there,
I'm pretty new to pixi and webgl in general and was wondering about something very specific. I'm running through a POC for building up a 3D game (based on Three.js) with all its UI managed by pixi.js
I found a couple of suggestions and ideas: rendering three.js renderer on a background sprite of pixi or output pixis's rendered on a texture that would be attached to a texture of a mesh that would be displayed by Three.js's renderer. The problem that this solutions lead to performance issues.
I pretty easily found an old talking about this (Right Here) and mainly a person nicknamed "mattdesl" suggested this :
Basically rendering three.js into a frame buffer and then render pixi.js over it. I will have to first render three.js on a framebuffer and pass it to pixi (how can I achiever the latter ?) but mainly my question is about the GL state reset that this quote talk about ! Is this still valid as a concern ? how can I access the blendModeManager and the ShaderManager ?
Thank you for your help guys. I will update you with my progress.