Hi everyone,
first i just want to say that after more than a year working with three.js i have decided to migrate to babylonjs.
the frameworks looks great and this forum is a bog help.
my scene is basiclly a house and furinture.
every mesh i load into my threejs scene has a position and rotation that its suppose to be in.
now, to migrate successfuly in need that the new scene (babylon) will look the same as the old scene (threejs).
i got two big problems:
1. the x-axis was inverted, so all my meshes was looking as if were mirroed (fixed it with mesh.scale.x = -1)
2. the position that i used in threejs for my meshes, is not the same as in babylon.js.
this is the original location of the sofa in three.js
this is the location of the sofa in babylon.js (after i inverted the x-axis)
can u please help me think of a way to migrate all the meshes to their right position?