I want to make a puzzle game, where the user can zoom and pan on a grid. Some square has text which should be zoomable. First i have tried svg. It looked very nice, the zoomed text was very crisp, but the performance wasnt the best on mobile. I took a look on some benchmark test, and WebGL was so much faster then canvas (or SVG of course), so i want to take a shot. There is eaven a project http://iewebgl.com/ which makes IE capable for WebGL. I read some good review on pixie.js (performancewise too), so i hope its the right framework for my needs. - Is this the official Pixi.js forum? I saw Mat Groves is a moderator... - How do i know if PIXI.autoDetectRenderer uses WebGL or Canvas? - I tried to scale a text but it looks very blurry: // create an new instance of a pixi stagevar stage = new PIXI.Stage(0x66FF99);// create a renderer instancevar renderer = PIXI.autoDetectRenderer(620, 380, null, false, true);// add the renderer view element to the DOMdocument.body.appendChild(renderer.view);// create a text object with a nice strokevar text = new PIXI.Text("I'm fun!", {font: "36px Arial", fill: "#cc00ff", align: "center", stroke: "#FFFFFF", strokeThickness: 6});text.position.x = 0;text.position.y = 0;text.scale.x = 10;text.scale.y = 10;stage.addChild(text);// render the stage renderer.render(stage);thanks