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Hey everbody, first of all: Thank you very much for the documentation and great forums. I achieved a lot with Babylon JS without the need of posting anywhere, because you get all the information you need just by one simple google search. But now is the time, since I just don't know where to look for a solution to this problem: I'm using BABYLON.Mesh.CreateDecal to place text and pictures onto a sphere-shape (it is a soccer ball to be more specific, so not just a perfect sphere). Everything works great so far, I made controls to reposition, scale, rotate, change color etc. to decals and they can be placed simply by clicking on the desired position. The problem is with bigger sizes: As I understand, decals not getting mapped onto the UV but projected onto the mesh. If I want to place a big picture and scale it up or place a long line of text, there a limitations: The picture can't run all way around the ball, because it get's cut off at a certain point. The second problem is, that it get's stretched at the outer parts (the more it is away from the clicked center, the more it is stretched, since it get's projected onto a sphere). TL;DR: Is there any way to place decals so they don't get stretched but use the UV (which is there since I dynamically load textures for the ball) to place them "pixel-perfect" all around the ball, if necessary (or at least half the ball)? Thank you guys and a happy New Year