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Found 3 results

  1. create() { this.rock = this.physics.add.staticGroup(); this.rock.create(1002, 145); this.rock.setScale(2); } The code above does not set the scale of the rock that I have set as a static group. Is it even possible to scale things in a Static Group?
  2. I have a room with a wall, I want my player does not go through the wall, so I need a collider. The collider doesn't work with the commented code, but it works well with the uncommented one, which basically does the same thing in 2 separate commands. // ... function preload() { this.load.atlas('background', 'dist/sprites/background.png', 'dist/sprites/background_atlas.json'); this.load.spritesheet('zelda', 'dist/sprites/zelda_sprite.png', {frameWidth: 50, frameHeight: 50}); } let walls; let player; function create() { this.add.tileSprite(384, 288, 768, 576, 'background', 'ground.png'); // -- THIS CODE DOESN'T WORK ---- // walls = this.physics.add.staticGroup([ // { // Top // key: 'background', // frame: 'wall.png', // repeat: 11, // setXY: { x: 32, y: 32, stepX: 64 } // },{ // Bottom // key: 'background', // frame: 'wall.png', // repeat: 11, // setXY: { x: 32, y: 544, stepX: 64 } // } // ,{ // Left // key: 'background', // frame: 'wall.png', // repeat: 7, // setXY: { x: 32, y: 96, stepY: 64 } // } // ,{ // Right // key: 'background', // frame: 'wall.png', // repeat: 7, // setXY: { x: 736, y: 96, stepY: 64 } // } // ]); // -- I HAVE TO USE THAT CODE INSTEAD ---- walls = this.physics.add.staticGroup(); walls.createMultiple([ { // Top key: 'background', frame: 'wall.png', repeat: 11, setXY: { x: 32, y: 32, stepX: 64 } },{ // Bottom key: 'background', frame: 'wall.png', repeat: 11, setXY: { x: 32, y: 544, stepX: 64 } } ,{ // Left key: 'background', frame: 'wall.png', repeat: 7, setXY: { x: 32, y: 96, stepY: 64 } } ,{ // Right key: 'background', frame: 'wall.png', repeat: 7, setXY: { x: 736, y: 96, stepY: 64 } } ]); player = this.physics.add.sprite(200, 250, 'zelda'); player.setCollideWorldBounds(true); this.physics.add.collider(player, walls); } // ... I'm fine with that solution, but I had hard time finding it. So, I would like to understand why the commented code is wrong. Thanks for some explainations
  3. I have a staticGroup of floating coins from a tilemap and I wanted to make the collision area circular and the correct size however: I tried calling `setCircle` on each object in the group but it has no effect. If I change the staticGroup to a group, I can see the circle form when using debug mode. However this then subjects the group to gravity and my objects fall out of the game Here's the relevant code: function create() { var coinTiles = map.addTilesetImage('coin'); coinLayer = map.createDynamicLayer('Coins', coinTiles, 0, 0); // I tried changing this to this.physics.add.group(); coinGroup = this.physics.add.staticGroup(); // Loop over each Tile and replace sprite coinLayer.forEachTile(tile => { if (tile.index === 17) { const x = tile.getCenterX(); const y = tile.getCenterY(); const coin = coinGroup.create(x, y, "coin"); // This line seems to have no effect on static objects. coin.body.setCircle(10, 10 , 10); coinLayer.removeTileAt(tile.x, tile.y); } }); // etc... } staticGroup: Group: (ignore circle offset being completely off)
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