Hello folks, I'm pretty green hgere and attempting my first real foray into Phaser game dev. It's been fantastic and I adore the framework - so thank you for that - also a big thank you to this forum which is a must for any new dev. So, for me - I'm being ambitious and slowly building out an rpg engine in phaser. I'm stumbling a bit as I go -= butr so far haven't encountered an issue that couldn't be answered by searching the forum - until now I'm loading a pretty substantial tilemap (using the tiled-map plugin) and all is somewhat well. I'm also generating 100 enemies at random locations on the map (checking each tile for a walkable flag). The problem I'm having is, the transition plugin seems to be blipping the map before the player has been added, then continuing with the transition. I'm switching between map state to battle state then back to map state. The screen blip happens both ways. My source code is here: https://github.com/chemcnabb/god_of_olympus If anyone could offer me some advice. Apologies in advance for any mess in my source, its very WIP obviously. Also, forgive my temp art :/